Chapter Twenty Six - Henry meet Hope

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Lizzie and I sat on either side of the bed that our little sisters were sleeping in, the the of us were taking

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Lizzie and I sat on either side of the bed that our little sisters were sleeping in, the the of us were taking

"Do you plan to charm the King sister. Like you did with Richard?" Lizzie whispers

"No, it would not suit me and may make me ill being that nice. Besides it wasn't hard with our Uncle he knew us, knew me already. This Tudor would assume that I was either a whore or trying to control him. I think he should know I'm not won over easily and neither is England. He is the one that has to prove himself, not me ." I could tell she looked worried

"Worry not sister, all will be well, we just have to whether the storm. As always we shall do it together." I squeezed her hand in comfort. Then I saw our mother acting suspicious "What is she up to now?" Lizzie looked back and then we both stood. We saw that she was holding a letter.

"Who is it to?" Lizzie asked

"They are awake." Mother warned us about our spies. We approached closer so that we could whisper.

"Who is it to?" I wondered

"Jan Warbecque, the boatman in Tournei. I bid your brother go to him. We must pray he got there." Mother informed us

"But how will you deliver it?" we questioned. Yet again she never answered our question.


We were all on our way to attend mass, when mother stopped and turned around to face us. We all stopped as well to hear her.

"I forgot my prayer book." she told us

"I will return and get it." I smiled knowing that in this mix up she would sneak away.

"Thank you." I turned and head back to our chamber when one of the spies followed me. I returned to the chambers and searched for my mothers prayer book.

"Ah found it. Would you pass me a shawl i found it rather cold." I asked the lady who walked into the other room. A few moments later she handed it to me and we headed back towards my sisters.

That afternoon, Henry Tudor was supposed to visit us. Well that is what Lady Margaret told mother. I looked out of the window into the bustling courtyard.

"Hope, he's coming." Lizzie gestured me come away from the window which i did and took my place next to my twin sister. The door opened and in he stepped. my family curtsied to him but I did not.

"Good day, Princess Hope." he greeted me but I did not reply.

"You will address the King." Lady Margaret ordered. I glared at her but finally curtsied.

"Good day, Your Grace."

"Some wine, your grace?" Mother offered and he hummed in agreement. She took the jug and Goblet, and poured him a drink. He and I stared at each other him more intensely than I. I tried to give of the appearance that I wasn't all that interested in his visit. I wasn't so it should have been radiated easily. He took the goblet from my mother and drank some. Before letting out a loud breath.

"My other daughters. Elizabeth, Hope's twin sister. Cecily, Anne, Catherine and Bridget." The curtsied again and Elizabeth took my hand. Something wet always did to show that we were united.

"Your Grace." Cecily failed at an attempt to subtly flirt with the King. He hummed

"My mother is arranging for your allowance to be paid." Tudor informed us as he was given a chair.

"Your service as my mothers lady in waiting will never be forgotten Lady Margaret." I commented to the older woman.

"The meek shall inherit the earth." she quoted and that quote was never more true than it was in this moment "So the bible tells us." she went to stand behind her son.

"Dance for me." Henry stated

"Excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow

"Dance for me." he repeated. My family looked towards me and I resisted the urge to let out a large sigh as I stepped forward he snapped his fingers as a musician stepped forward "No. Princess Cecily. I think perhaps you have more grace." I saw my younger sister smile in triumph and she stepped forward and I went to stand next to my mother

"The girls can dance together." Mother suggested and I retook my place. the music began and we started to dance all the while Cecily made as at the Tudor King. Once we finished we curtsied as he finished off his drink. He stood and came over to me.

"My mother has decided on a motto for you." he told before he left

"Humble and penitent. You would do well to abide by it." she informed me. I held my tongue, father would disapprove it I bit back too soon. The rest of his entourage left.

"I pray my brother brings his challenge swiftly so I no longer have to marry him." I quietly seethe.

"It seems he does not want to marry you." Cecily smirked

"Of course he wants to marry her. What man wouldn't?" Lizzie smile fixing my hair behind my back "Besides, you think he would have you when you show how disloyal you could be to your own sister?" Lizzie bit back turning her gaze to our younger sister.

"Tainted goods." she added

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