Chapter 29

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Oli's pov

Father and uncle Eric must have come in sometime early this morning because once I woke up Eric was passed out on the couch. No doubt they both went out drinking last night. I can smell the liquor all the way in my room. I've got to go make breakfast but I don't want to get out of my nice warm bed. Unfortunately I know if I don't get up and have breakfast ready when father wakes up ill be in even more trouble. So reluctantly I throw the covers off of me and pry myself out of bed. I start to wake Asher up but decide against it. He needs some rest I heard him moving around all night. He was also whimpering and talking in his sleep. He keep talking about his parents in his sleep and saying stuff like he was gonna get back to them and how he was gonna protect Cole. I know he misses his parents but there's no way to get out of here. I tried so hard for years and never once made it out. I came really close one time but of course he caught me.

Uncle Eric has always thought that what father is doing is wrong but he won't stand up to him. If he ever does say anything against it father gets mad and it'll be months or even years before Eric comes back around again. Eric's not father's real brother though. He was adopted into his family when they were younger and they grew up together like real brothers. Uncle Eric told me that father was never like this as a kid. He was actual a "model child" when they were growing up. Always making good grade, always the teachers pet, always the goody two shoes when it came to obeying his parents. Uncle Eric wasn't a bad child but he struggled with keeping his grade up and since he was adopted he was always scared they would send him back into the system. He would always tell me stories of the homes he was put in. I'm honestly surprised he's not the crazy one, but father didn't turn crazy until the incident. Uncle Eric said the incident made father go completely insane.

"Hey can you fix me a coffee?" Uncle Eric asks me as he enters the kitchen. While I busy myself with fixing it he sits down at the table and lays his head down. He's probably got a huge hangover with as late as they stayed out. I wonder if Father has to go to work today or not?

Finally I get the coffee done and place it down infront of him.

"Thanks." He thanks me and starts drinking it. He likes his coffee completely black. I've never had coffee but some people in the books I read say that completely black without any sugar or creamer is just disgusting!

"So why did you come this time?" I ask him while I get the stuff out to cook breakfast.

"I just had to have a talk with Peter about some stuff but I'll be leaving after I eat. Got some stuff back at home I've got to take care of." He mumbles his answer.

"Oh okay." I honestly don't want him to leave yet. When he comes around and stays for weeks we have so much fun while father works so I was hoping we could have some fun this time.

"Hey cheer up I'm gonna be coming back very soon and we will have a lot of fun!" He tells me when he hears the sadness in my voice. He always seems to be able to read my mind. I just slightly smile and keep working on breakfast.

***Surprise Cole's pov!***

I gotta pee! I gotta pee! I gotta pee!

That's my first thought when I wake up and if I pee in the bed again Bubba's gonna be mad at me. So I quickly jump out of bed and run to the bathroom.

Ahhh that feels so much better! Bubba will be proud of me cuz im a big boy because only big boys pee in the potty! I'll have to tell him once he wakes up. I don't wanna wake him up so I quietly go back into the bedroom and lay beside him. It's so early so I try to go back to sleep but the smell of something yummy cooking downstairs keeps me awake. I wanna go down there but Bubba said not to leave the room without him so I have to stay here. I wish I had my bunny to play with but papa took him away. He said Bubba was being bad so I couldn't have my bunny.

I wish Bubba would just do what papa says cuz bunny is scared to be alone! After what feels like 30 years Bubbas still not awake so I start moving around on the bed hoping he will just wake up. He still doesn't move so I sit up and stare at him. He's laying on his back but he looks dead! Maybe I should check his breathing. So I quickly jump up and sit on his chest leaning my head down to his mouth so I can hear if he's still breathing. Thankfully it still sounds like he's breathing. Oh now that I look at it his nose is moving. Whoa he has bugies in his nose! They look yucky except I sometimes eat mine. What else am I supposed to do with them when I pick them out of my nose?? I can't just rub it on my shirt thats really really yucky and mommy says you shouldn't flick your buggers everywhere because they could have germs on them and make someone else sick so I have to get rid of it somehow!

Maybe I can get Bubba's buggers out so his nose don't get stoppeded up with them and then he can't breath and if he can't breath he might die! I don't want him to die so I have to save him! I quickly look around for something I can dig the buggies out with and thats when I spot one of my crayons on the floor. I jump off if bubby and grab the crayon. Its a yellow crayon and thats my least favorite color so I don't care if it gets bubbas germs all over it and I don't want bubbas germs all over my fingers so this is the only way. I climb back onto the humongous bed, it's way taller than mean!! Then I crawl back onto bubbas tummy and look in his nose again. Yep the buggies are still there! They are huge buggies does he ever dig them out of his nose? Bubba says its not good to pick your nose maybe that's why he has so many in his nose cuz he never picks it! So he needs to pick it to save his life! Thats why I never stop breathing cuz I pick mine!

So to save bubbas life I stick the crayon in his nose and start moving it around to make sure all the buggies come out but right as I put it in there Bubba jerks away and grabs my hand quickly pulling the crayon out of his nose.

"Cole what the heck are you doing? Did you just stick this crayon in my nose?" He asks. Oh no he's mad! Why is he mad? I was just trying to save him so he could breath!

"I- I was just trying to save you! You wouldn't be able to breath!" I defend myself.

"I don't care what you were doing Cole you can't just stick a crayon in someone's nose!" He scolds me while rubbing his nose. Why can't he be happy with me? I was just trying to help him! Mommy and daddy wouldn't have let him be mad at me. I miss my mommy and daddy but papa says we can't see them again acuz they don't want us anymore. I start crying at the thought of not seeing them again.

"Hey hey it's okay. Let's just go down stairs and help Oli with breakfast." He tries to comfort me, but I can't help but cry harder.

"B-b-bubba i-i miss mommy and daddy! I wanna see them again can't we at least call them like we did at granny's?" I ask hoping he would say yes.

"I'm sorry baby but we don't have a way to call them. I'm still gonna try really really hard to get us out of here but it might be a while before we can see them again. For now let's just go get something to eat okay?" He asks while wiping my tears away. I nod and he picks me up and carries me downstairs where the yummy smell is coming from.

So I know this chapter is kind short and boring but it's just the calm before the storm! The next few chapters may or may not be the last few chapters we will just see how they go but I promise you there will be a lot happening!!

I hope you enjoyed Coles pov! Let me hear your thoughts!
Thanks for reading!!

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