Chapter 28

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Asher's pov

After the man left out and I calmed down some Oli told me to take Cole back in the house. I didn't want to leave him alone with the man but I also dont want him to have to see any of this. So holding him tightly to my chest I walked him to the house. When I got there no one else was in there so they must have gone out or something. I tiptoed up stairs incase they were up there but no one was up there either. After laying him down and getting him to fall asleep I headed back to the shed. I don't want to step foot back in there but the man told us both to clean it up and im scared if I don't he will see it on the cameras. I can't afford another mess up right after everything that's happened. How does someone so insane get away with something like this? Surely he's had to slip up somewhere but I guess it helps that he works for the FBI. If anything were to come up it would go straight to him and he can cover it back up.

I walk as slowly as possible to the shed but somehow it feels like I made it there faster than any other time.

"I've already got it bagged up so if you want to clean up I'll go bury it." Oli tells me once i make it to the bottom of the stairs. All I can see when I look at this room is blood. All I can smell is blood. It's all just blood. I can't stay in this room much longer. I can't breathe.

"N-no no I-ill help you." I manage to spit out before turning and running out. I hear him huff behind me as I assume he picks up the body. I wait at the top of the stairs as he comes up.

"Grab that shovel." He tells me as he motions his head towards a shovel in the corner. I grab it without saying a word. I feel like if I so much as speak the tears threatening to spill will come out and I'll never be able to stop. We head off into the woods right behind the shed. We walk for what feels like only minutes before Oli stops and throws the body down.

"Do you have to be so rough?" I mumble  but he must not have heard me because he doesn't answer. He grabs the shovel from me and starts digging a hole like he's done this a thousand times. I just stand back and watch not knowing what to do. It's almost pitch black out here the only light being the light from the moon. I flinch at every sound. There's no tell what kind of animals are in these woods, but then again isn't there some kind of fence or something around the land? Even that Eric dude said something about catching the kid trying to climb it. I never even got to ask the kid his name. He died without seeing his parents again and it's all my fault! Maybe if I wouldn't have let him out then the man would have let him live. He might have been able to see his parents again. Did he have siblings? If so then they will grow up without a brother. I can't imagine having to grow up without Cole and they won't even know what happened to him. He's being buried without even having a proper funeral. Will that happen to me and Cole? Will we eventually die and be buried without anyone knowing what happened to us? How can Oli stand doing this?

"How are you so calm during all this?" I ask him after moments of silence.

"I have no choice but to be. If I freaked out everytime I've had to do this I'd be freaking out all the time." He answers me almost instantly like he's said it a thousand times.

"You do have a choice though! You could call the police or try to escape. You could refuse to do any of this!"

"You seriously think I haven't tried?" He asks almost annoyed. "When I first got here I was only 6 years old but I fought as hard as possible for years! I tried every way possible to escape. Anything you can think of I tried it! I even tried attacking him with a knife and many other things but as you can see it didn't work! You really think I dont miss my family? Especially after finding out my mama's alive, but there's no way absolutely NO way of getting out of here." He stops everything and all but yells at me. "Besides even if I do manage to get out of here ill just be put into jail so what difference does it make?" He mumbles the last part as he starts shoveling the dirt again.

"Wait what? Why would you go to jail?" I question him. Has this man brainwashed him that bad?

"I've help him with all this and now so have you. They will take us both to jail for second degree murder. Theres no way to be truly free Asher!" He tells me as if its the most obvious thing in the world.

"We've had no choice but to help! He's threatened to kill us if we don't! They aren't gonna take us to jail because of that! They will understand that we were made to do this. We are just kids and we have no control over any of this! No matter what he made you do you won't go to jail!" I try to convince him but I can tell it just goes in one ear and out the other. He's not going to listen to me. Like he said he's been here since he was 6 that's 9 years. The man's had plenty of time to completely brainwash him. He just ignores me and keeps digging.

After what feels like hours later he finally puts the last piece of dirt back and we head back to the house. No one is back still so they must be out drinking or something. I quickly run to the bathroom before Oli can and jump in the shower. I've got to get this blood off of me before I go crazy. I turn the water as hot as possible and start scrubbing my body until the skin turns pink from being raw. I can feel the scars on my back tingle slightly from the heat of the water but it also feels good. The stress of the day washes down the drain along with all the blood. Although it'll never wash away the memories. The memories of the gun going off and the body falling. The memories of the blood splattering all over my face and Coles back.

Bang! I jump at the sound of banging on the bathroom door.

"Asher come on! You've been in there over an hour now. There's gonna be no hot water for me!" I heard Oli complain outside the door.

"No way it's been an hour! I just got in!" I yell back but turn the water off anyways and let Oli take over the bathroom. I head off to bed and try to sleep but everytime I close my eyes all I can see it the face of the little kid moments before he died. Is this really my life now? Will we really never be saved?

I think im finally broken...

Another chapter finally!!! Thank you everyone for being patient with me!!! And thanks for all the reads and votes and comments and everything!!

So thoughts??? Do you think they are ever gonna escape??

As always don't forget to vote, comment, and give me a follow! Also share the story with someone else!! :D

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