Chapter 4

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"Please! Please let me go home!" I beg the man standing in front of me.

"No! You're mine and only mine!" He tells me as he jerks me up by the chains on my little arms. He connects the chains to something on the metal roof and starts turning something I can't see on the wall behind me and I get brought into the air off my feet. I'm trying to cover my naked body but I can't with the chains holding my hands up. I tried fighting against him and it made him mad. I think I've been here a whole year now and he just let me out of the shed about 2 months ago. I've been trying to do as he says but today I just got so fed up with all his demands. Clean the house, make supper, do this, do that. I just couldn't help but snap and now I've made him mad. All I did was tell him to leave me alone and that set him off.

I feel my feet leave completely off the ground as the chains pull me upwards. It finally stops and I hear him walk over to the cabinet. No not the cabinet! That's where he keeps all his torture devices!

"Pl-pl-please! I'm so sorry! Please don't!" I beg again.

"This is for your own good. You need to learn your place here. You are MY son! No one else's! You do WHAT I tell you when I tell you!" He demands me as he holds a whip in front of me.

"No! No! Not that! Please! Please! Anything but that! I'm sorry! Im so sorry!" I try begging again but it doesn't work. He circles around me with the whip and goes to attack my already scarred back.

I jump awake from my nightmare with  sweat dripping down my face. I look over towards the small alarm clock on my night stand to see it's only 4 am. Ugh I still have 3 hours until father wakes up for work. There's no way I can go back to sleep now so I decided to get a head start on my chores so I have more time to relax during the day. I usually wake up at odd hours during the night. Some nights I don't sleep at all because of the nightmares. I get up and grab a plain black t-shirt and some red shorts. It doesn't really match but oh well no ones gonna see me. Afterwards I head to the bathroom to get a shower. I don't bother being quiet because fathers a heavy sleeper and won't wake up till his alarm goes off.

After I finish my shower it's only 4:30am so I decide to go start cleaning the livingroom. First I pick up more empty beer bottles. He must have come back down here and drank some more last night. Then I straighten up the few magazines and books on the table. After that I go to the kitchen and open a door that's next to the outside door, but this door holds all the cleaning supplies. I grab out the broom and dust pan and go back into the livingroom. I sweep up the chip crumbs that are in front of the couch and then sweep some dust out from behind the tv. Sweeping all the trash into the dust pan and taking it to the garbage in the kitchen. Then grab the mop and fill it up with soap and water and head to the livingroom to finish up.

By the time I finish that it's 6am meaning I have an hour before he gets up. I decide to go outside and feed the dogs. He has about 12 dogs all in a pen outside incase one of the victims somehow escapes. I'm not sure what kind they are but he said they are some kind of hunting dog. If someone happens to escape or if he lets them out to show them how stuck they are he will let the dogs after them. They are all huge and scary looking. I hate having to feed them but it's one of my chores.

I make it to the crate and all the dogs jump up and start barking and jumping on the wire fence surrounding them. I'm honestly surprised the fence hasn't broke with all their weight pushing against it. They won't hurt anyone unless father commands them to, but I still wouldn't want to take the chance. One time right after father let me out I tried to be friendly with the dogs and they got to where they would let me pet them but then when I was petting one of them he got frightened and bit my arm. It hurt like crazy and father ended up having to put stitches in my arm because it wouldn't stop bleeding.

Right beside the back porch is there bucket of food. I drag it over by the fence and very quickly dip the food out and put it in their bowls through the holes in the fence. They all start surrounding the bowls faster then I can fill them up. Finally I get all 12 bowls filled up and go to grab the water house. In the pen is a big baby swimming pool that I have to make sure stays filled up with water. I stick the hose through the holes in the fence and slowly start to fill the little pool up. Some of the dogs finish their food and head over to the pool to start drinking up the water. Once the pool fills up I take the hose and bucket and put them back in their places.

By the time I'm done with that the sun is starting to rise. Which means it's probably close to time for him to wake up. I head back inside and look at the clock on the stove which shows it's already 6:30. So I start working on his breakfast. First I start the coffee pot and let it get going. Then I grab the eggs and bacon out of the fridge and start cooking the bacon. Once that gets done I start cooking the eggs and put two pieces of bread in the toaster. Once the eggs get done I put them, along with the bacon and toast, on a plate and set it on the table with his cup of coffee. Then I get the butter and jelly out and set it on the table with a spoon and knife. He likes to put his on stuff on because some mornings he likes alot and some mornings he only likes a little. As soon as I set the spoon in the jelly I hear his alarm go off and just as suddenly shut off. I hear him shuffle out of bed and walking down the stairs. I make sure everything is in the right spot and then go stand behind my chair. I never eat in the mornings but he still likes for me to sit at the table with him. Finally he wakes into the kitchen in just a pair of shorts again and walks to the table and sits down. He nods for me to sit down with him as he takes a sip of his coffee.

"Morning father." I say which he just grunts in return.

Finally he finishes eating and gets up to go shower and get ready for work. I'm not sure what he does at his work but he always dresses in a suit and tie so it must be something important. Once he leaves I get up and start washing all the dishes. When I'm done I wipe down the table, counters, and stove. Then start making him two sandwiches for his lunch. I put Ham, cheese, mayonnaise, mustard, pickles, and turkey on the sandwiches and stick them in little zip lock bags and place those bags inside a little brown bag along with a bottle of beer. Then I grab his camouflage yeti cup fill it with coffee so he can drink it on the way. I wash the silverware I used making his sandwiches then set both the brown bag and cup of coffee on the table.

By the time I get that done he comes back down the stairs in his suit and his hair fixed. Anyone who doesn't know him would think he's a normal guy, but I know better.

"Thanks." He says as he grabs his cup and bag then kisses the top of my head. He seems in a much better mood than he was at breakfast, but he's not a morning person. Then he walks out and I hear the truck start up and he's gone. Leaving me all alone in the house.

Yay! Another chapter! Well there's a small bit of Oli's every day routine! Let me know what you think! Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and give me a follow!! :D
Also I'm thinking of changing the name so if you have any suggestions then drop them down below! I was almost thinking something like Father's shed or something but I'm not sure!!

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