Chapter 9

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^^^^^^ Picture of bunny just more warn out and stained!

Oli's pov

Father moved Cole to his own sit so we could eat. As soon as I placed the bowl in front of Cole he started eating as fast as he could. Soon we were all finished and father walked off saying he had to get something from upstairs.

Cole stayed in his seat as I stood up to start cleaning the dishes. "Am I going back with bubba?" Cole asks after a few minutes of silence.

"Yeah once father says you can." I answer him without turning around.

"I- I don't want this to to be my new home! I wanna go to my home!" Cole whined as he got out of his seat and stood by me.

"Well tough luck kid! There's nothing any of us can do about it." I glare down at him when he grabs onto my shirt. Instead of answering his face turns bright red and he falls down to the floor and starts screaming and crying and pitching a fit. I just stare at him waiting for him to finish.

"HEY! STOP THAT!" Father screams as he comes back into the kitchen. Cole instantly stops and jumps up to hide behind me. "Come here." Father demands after he sets a bag of stuff he was holding on the table. Cole whimpers and walks over to father who picks him up and sets him in a chair by the table. He then pulls out a stuffed bunny from the bag and hands it to Cole. The bunny is completely white with a blue bow around his neck. It looks used and has a few food stains but other than that is look fluffy and soft. I can't believe fathers actually gonna let him keep it. I've never been allowed any kind of toys! I got lucky with getting the books.

"Bunny!!" Cole grabbed the stuffed bunny and hugs it tight with a smile on his face.

"I found this in your bags and if you can behave I will let you keep it, but if you misbehave I'll have to take him from you okay?" Father tells him as he pulls out a box of something out of the bag.

"Okay! I will! I promise!" Cole squeals and holds his bunny even closer.

"Now for the next thing. Oli come over here." He tells me as he pulls a pair of gloves and a hair stylist cap out of the bag. Up closer I can see the box he pulled out is a box of black hair dye. "I want you to dye his hair completely black so that he looks more like us. We will do the other kids hair later once we know how it's gonna go."

"Okay yes sir." I answer. Honestly I'm confused but I guess it makes sense. They both have blonde hair and me and father have black hair. "But um father?" I question as he goes to walk out of the kitchen.

"Yes?" He answers stopping at the door.

"How do I dye his hair? I-i've never done it before?" I ask. He stares at me like I'm stupid and then says

"How am I supposed to know? Just read the box. I got you everything you should need just don't get any on your hands or on the table or anything."

"Okay father." He sighs and then walks out of the kitchen.

"Okay Cole we are gonna give your hair a little make over." I tell Cole so I don't freak him out.

"But I don't wanna make over!" He whines and stands up from the chair.

"Do you not remember what father just said? If you dont behave you will get your bunny taken away." I say giving him a stern look.

"NO MY BUNNY!" Cole yells as he runs to the other side of the table so I can't reach him. I run after him but he keeps running around the table to keep his distance from me.

"Cole stop it right now or ill go get father!" That makes him stop in his tracks.

"Noooooo! Don't go get papa! Please!" He whines holding his bunny by his side.

"Come and sit down and I won't get him." I command him. He pouts but does as hes told. "Good boy. Now hold still while I figure this out." I tell him as I pick up the box and start reading it. After a minute I still can't figure out what to do so instead I just wing it. I put the hair stylist cape around him to keep it off of his clothes. Then I put the gloves on and take the bottle of hair dye and squirt it onto his head like you would with shampoo. He squeals and reaches up to touch it but I stop him and tell him to keep his hands in his lap.

"It's cold!" He complains as I rub it all over his hair. The box did say to leave the dye in for about 30 minutes and then rinse it out so once I have it mixed in good I set a timer on the stove and tell him once again not to move as I clean off the table. Once the timer goes off I lead him upstairs and into the bathroom and tell him to lean over the bathtub. Thankfully the shower head is one you can pull down so I pull it down and turn the water on warm so it's not to hot but not to cold for him. I rinse out the dye and the whole time hes complaining about anything and everything. Why do kids always have to complain.

The waters to hot!
Now it's to cold!
Ouch! The waters in my eyes!
My knees hurt!
I want bubba!

And many more complaints. Once I get the dye washed good I grab a towel and tell him to sit back up. He does and I towel dry his hair which has not turned black from the dye. Then I pull out the hair dryer and blow dry his hair.

"Is it done yet?" He whines with a yawn.

"Yep it is! Look you have black hair now." I tell him as I hold him up to see himself in the mirror. With his black hair he really does look like me. I guess father knew what he was talking about when he said he would look more like us with black hair. It'll take some getting use to but the black actually looks good on him. Suddenly he starts crying and trying to get out of my arms.

"Hey! Hey! Stop! Why are you crying? Tell me what's wrong?" I try to calm him down.

"M-mommy w-wont reco-reconize m-me now!" He cries so hard he has the hiccups.

"Cole I've already told you. Your mother doesn't exist anymore. From now on it's just me, you, papa, and maybe Asher. There's nothing we can do about it so you'll just have to get use to it." I had to get use to it years ago so he does too.

"N-no more mommy?" He asks. I can tell now hes fighting sleep.

"Yep thats right! No more mommy! Just papa, me, and Asher." I tell him. I'm trying to protect him because if he acts this way around father it might not be real good.

"Oh." He says as he slowly cries himself to sleep in my arms. Poor kid maybe father will let him sleep inside tonight.

Yayyyyy another update! It's not as eventful as the last and it's probably trash bc its 1am by the time I'm finishing it but don't worry there more excitement coming soon!! Also I have no idea how to really dye hair so just enjoy my made up way! Haha!

I wanna hear your thoughts, predictions, anything! Whatever you got I wanna hear it!! As always don't forget to vote, comment, and give me a follow!! :D

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