Chapter 34 The last chaper!

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Asher's pov

I can't help but stare down at the blood staining my hands as the doctor stands in front of me checking all of my wounds. He said I've got three broken ribs and severe malnutrition. He said that all they could do is wrap my ribs to make make they heal in the right place and give me some medicine for the pain. Thankfully Cole doesn't have any injures except for mental damage I'm sure. My parents were talking about sending us to therapy once we are ready for it.

I can't believe this is all happening! I feel bad for what happened to Oli! It's all my fault! If I never had called the police in the first place it wouldn't have happened. Oli never would have gotten shot! He never would have... he... it's to hard to even think about it! It's completely my fault and I'll have to deal with it the rest of my life but then again if I hadn't called the police then we never would have seen our parents again!

"You okay?" My mother asks me once the dr leaves the room. They both haven't left us alone since we got back. They put me and Cole in the same room so our parents can be with both of us at the same time. They wanted to hold us over night just to make sure everything's okay. Dad's sitting over on Cole's bed coloring on a coloring book with him.

"Yeah I guess. I'm just scared this is gonna all be a dream and I'm gonna wake up at any second back at that house." I confess some of what's bothering me.

"I know exactly how you feel baby! I keep feeling like it's going to be a dream too. That I'm going to wake up and walk to your room and your not going to be there. I'm so sorry that I let this happen to you both! I promise it won't ever happen again!" My mom promises me with a hug. I grimace slightly at the pain but I don't push her away. I've missed her hugs so much!!

I turns out the nearest town really was kinda close to the house. The emt told me it only took them an hour to get to the house from the town. I think Oli really believed that there wasn't a town near because by walking it would probably take an hour and a half to get to the town. Plus there really was a fence surrounding the property. It looked like an electric fence and it was really tall! It was almost as tall as the cabin!

Once we got to the hospital they immediately took us back and did check ups on us. Not long after we got there my parents showed up and they both came in and started sobbing. They both apologized for going off on Oli like that. They said they are gonna apologize to him too... If he makes it! When we first got to the hospital they had already taken Oli back to emergency surgery. As far as I know he's still in surgery now we haven't been told anything else. It's my fault he's in surgery and that he got shot! It hurts so much to think about all the pain he's going through right now. Also it turns out that officer Barry is Oli's dad! Officer Barry said he knew he recognized Oli some how but he didn't know how so when they all left from the house he made all the units drive slow just incase. That's how they were able to make it back in time.

I still don't know how Oli managed to get the police back there but as soon as I see him I'm going to ask him... after I tell him how stupid he was for taking a bullet for me! I mean I understand he was protecting me but that's just pure stupidity! He didn't even like me as far as I knew! He could have just let it hit me and he wouldn't be the one knocking on deaths door! I'm the one that caused all the problems.

A knock on the door brings me out of my thoughts. My mom tells them to come in and the door opens. Officer Barry and another officer comes in.

"Hey Asher, Cole. How are yall doing?" I just shrugged as an answer and Cole trys to hide behind dad like the officers will take us away. When neither of us answer he continues. "We just want to ask you a few questions if that's okay?"

"How's Oli?" I ask changing the subject. I really don't feel like answering a bunch of questions right now.

"He's, well, he's out of surgery but he's not doing to good. He lost alot of blood on the way here and then lost even more during surgery. They did get the bullet out though they said it just missed his heart. If it would have been even an inch over he would have died instantly." Officer Barry tells us. I can tell he didn't know whether to tell me or not but I guess he decided it would be okay.

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