Chapter 12

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Surprise! Asher's pov!

I don't know how much longer I can stand being locked down here. I'm not sure how long it's been but it feels like it's been months since we've been locked down here. Thankfully who ever this man is has been letting Cole stay in their house lately so he hasn't had to sit down here as long as me. For some reason earlier today or tonight or whatever it is that jerk Oli threw my brother back in here and he was crying his eyes out. I finally got him calmed down enough to fall asleep but I never could get him to tell me what's wrong. I swear the second I get out of here I'm gonna kill him! That is if I can even walk by the time I get out of here. My body's so weak from lack of food and from the beating the man gave me. I really wish I was back at home right now. I would probably be laying on the couch watching TV with my family or maybe I'd be at school right now hanging with my friends and talking about how much we hate the English teacher. School definitely would have started back by now. When we were kidnapped it was only 3 days before school started back. We were actually on the way home from our grandparents house when he grabbed us. Every summer all our family hopes on a plane and meets up at there but this year Mom and dad had to much work so just me and Cole went. We had just got off the plane at our home town and my parents told me that they were gonna be alittle late due to traffic so me and Cole walked down to a little diner down the road to get something to eat and about halfway there Cole goes quiet so I turned around to tell him to hurry up but when I turned around he wasn't there! I about had a heart attack when I saw his bunny that he carries everywhere laying on the ground in front of an Ally. I picked it up leaving our bags behind on the sidewalk and ran down the Ally hollering his name.

"Cole! Cole! Where are you! This isn't the time to plag hide and seek!" I holler hoping he is just messing with me.

"Bubby!" I hear him holler from somewhere but I don't see him anywhere.

"COLE! WHERE ARE YOU!" I scream again.

"Don't worry you'll both be reunited soon even my son." I hear someone say behind me but before I can turn around a cloth is placed over my mouth and I'm lured into complete darkness. Now here I am locked away down here. When I first woke up I admit I was scared but now I'm more mad than scared. This crazy man has kidnapped us and wants us to call him father! That just ain't happening. As soon as I get the chance I'm getting me and Cole out of here. Then I'm going to the police and Oli and his stupid father will be taking to jail! Oli says he can't do anything about what his fathers doing but he could if he'd just grow a pair of balls! He has free access to him all the time! Just poison his drink or something and then grab the key and let us out but no he can't do something that simple because he's a wimp and before you say anything he only beat me in those fights those times because I'm weak from lack of food! Any other day I would have been able to beat him!

I'm brought out of my thoughts when I feel Cole start shuffling around in my lap.

"Bubby I'm hungry." He whines. I swear he's always hungry! You can never fill this keep up.

"I know Just try not to think about it and go back to sleep." I comfort him the best I can and try to lure him back to sleep by petting his hair and humming a tone my mama always hums to us when we are sick or sad. I miss her so much. I wonder if she's still looking for us. Maybe she thinks we ran away. Maybe they aren't even looking for us at all. Maybe we really will be stuck here the rest of our lives. No! No! I can't start thinking like this. One way or another I will get us out of here. I haven't slept much these past how ever many days we have been here so I'm exhausted mentally and physically. Before I know it my humming starts slowing down as I fall into a deep sleep.


Something wakes me up all the sudden but I don't know what. Then I hear footsteps and realize it was the trap door opening that woke me up. Little slivers of light come in from outside so that means it's day time. Instead of the usual one set of footsteps there two meaning both the man and Oli are coming down. They finally reach the bottom of the steps and Oli pulls the chain to make the light turn on. It's just one single light bulb so it doesn't make much light in this dark room. There's something in Oli's hands but I can't tell what yet. I quickly push Cole behind me causing him to stir awake enough to hide behind me better.

"Cole come here." The man commands Cole. Cole looks at me and then back to the man and then starts slowly standing up. I quickly stand up with him only to almost fall back down to the ground because of my weak knees. I try to cover myself as best as I can since they took my clothes and haven't giving me anymore. Cole hugs my legs tightly before letting go and walking over to the man and Oli.
"Good boy! Now I want you to go to the house and go straight to your room and play with your toys. Me and Oli will be there shortly." The man tells him.

"Okay papa!" My little brother says which makes my heart stop for a minute. Did he really just call him papa! Im going to have to talk to him about that! He will not start calling the man that. I don't care what he's been told. He will not become brainwashed by this man!

"Stop glaring at me like that." The man commands me. I must have been giving him a mean look. I can sometimes hold my tongue when I want to but I can never control my facial expression. Sometimes ill be thinking about something and start glaring at someone in public and not even know it until they look at me funny and say something to me. It's gotten me in many many fights in school!

I just continue staring at him without saying anything back. He then turns to Oli and says something I can't hear. Oli looks at me and hands the man whatever it is he has in his hands and walks over to me. He then unlocks the chains around my wrists and turns around grabbing the thing back from the man and hands it to me. It turns out to be a pair of clothes, but not just any clothes! These are my clothes and not the same clothes I had on when I was kidnapped. No these are ones that were packed in my suitcase. He must have grabbed out suitcases off the street.

"Here put these on." Oli says as I grab the clothes from him. I'm tempted to reach up and punch him but the man is standing right behind him and I can't risk him trying to hurt Cole since I can't protect him from down here. I grab the clothes and stare at them both before turning around and pulling on the underwear followed by the blue jeans and my plain grey shirt. This shirt is usually really tight on me but now it hangs loosly on my thin body and my blue jeans keep trying to fall down. I must have lost alot of wieght from not eating much.

"I'll have to get you a belt to go with those I suppose." The man says before turning around and going towards the stairs.

"Come on." Oli says motioning with his head to follow the man upstairs. Wait he can't be serious! They're letting me out of here? Before they can change their minds I quickly follow behind the man. Once we make it to the top I see that the trap down is inclosed in a small shed that is barely large enough to hold much equipment. The man opens the door that leads outside and walks out. I walk out slowly behind him. Once I walk out I squeeze my eyes shut from the blinding light. Finally my eyes adjust and I'm able to look around. The first thing I notice is a big log cabin. The back porch is facing where we are at the moment. To the left of the house I can see what looks like a huge dog pin or something. Behind the house is a huge forest that seems to go on forever and ever. Trees so tall they look like they reach the sky. In one of the trees close to the tree line is what looks like a small tree house. Bird and squirrel fly and jump from tree to tree trying to find the perfect on for their home. I've always loved birds they can just fly anywhere and everywhere they wanna go. Oh how I'd love to be a bird right now. I'm brought out of my thoughts when Oli gives me a push in the back to make me keep walking.

"Don't push me." I quickly turn around and shove him back.

"HEY! THAT'S ENOUGH!" The man hollers as he grabs me by the back of the neck and drags me towards the house. Man this is gonna be a long day!

What's this! Another chapter in one day?? Yep thats right! Hope you enjoy! More excitement to come very soon!!

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