Chapter 32

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****** So I went back to the last chapter and added one tiny part! Its in the same chapter where father and Officer Barry are shaking hands and talking the first time so go check it out if you want! If not this chapter should still make a little bit of sense but it might still be a little confusing for some! ( change added on January 27th)

Oli's pov

"Sir there's a shed out back but it's locked" One of the officers tells officer Barry. Barry? Somehow I know that name. Maybe it's from father talking about him, but then again he even looks familiar to me. I'm sure it's nothing fathers probably had a picture around of him at some point.

"Oh that old thing? I mean you're free to look in it, but we hardly ever use anything from it." Father tells them as he heads into the house to look for the key. I wish somehow I could tell the police whats going on but even If I do they won't believe me. Father will just make something up again and they will believe him because him and officer Barry are friends from way back. Father said they use to go to high-school together. I really wish Asher would have learned by now that there's no escape. I'm scared father's getting beyond annoyed with him and he's gonna kill them after this. He's already told me that he isn't letting Asher live past this but he said he wasn't sure about Cole. I knew I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up that there wouldn't be any more deaths and honestly I was kinda starting to like them. They aren't going to see the door though Father made sure it was covered up good.

"Ah right here!" Father says picking up the key out of a drawer.

"Alright you two go check it out." Officer Barry points to two men and hands them the key signaling for them to go check it. "You know on calls like this we have to check everything." The officer tells father with an eye roll. I wish they would see something that way if Father talks his way out of it I won't get into any more trouble than I'm already in. I'm getting in trouble for no reason too! How i was supposed to know they had the phone? I was outside the whole time!

When I saw that Asher had called the police I really almost got my hopes up that we would get out of here but I should have known better. Father always has a way to stop anything from happening.

After a few minutes the officers returned with news that the shed was clear. Just like I knew they would.

"Well sorry again for all this mess I promise he will be punished greatly as well as he will be calling the poor Wells family to apologize. I know that had to upset them big time." Father says shaking the officers hand one more time.

"As he should be! If you need any work for him to do there's plenty around my house that needs to be done!" Officer Barry said in a halfway joking tone. They then all filed in their cars driving off and taking the only chance we may have ever had of escaping.

Once they were gone Father let out a sigh of relief. Did he think his lies wouldn't work? They always work no matter what.

"Finally I swear I can't stand that guy! I thought they had him on temporary leave right now. You did good though so tonight ill go get us some ice cream. Well after I deal with them I will." Father tells me as he goes to grab a beer out of the fridge.

"Father who was that man? I feel like I know him." For some reason I just couldn't hold it in I have to know who he is.

"You mean you didn't recognize him?" Father asks me like I've lost my mind.

"N-no sir I know I know him but I dont know how." I mumble as an answer.

"You really dont know who that was? Well dont worry about it then we've got more things to worry about right now." He says with a manly chuckle as he chugs the bottle of beer before grabbing another one. Man this is gonna annoy me until I figure it out. How do I know that man?

"Come on lets go get this next part over with I'm ready for bed." Father tells me motioning for us to go to the shed. Once we get there father tells me to move all the wood out of the way. I do as he tells me and we start heading down. The whole way down I can't stop thinking about about who the man is. He even looked shocked for a minute so maybe he thinks he knows me too, but how? The only other person father has ever brought here is uncle Eric. Maybe I've seen him on TV or something.

Wait! No! It just hit me who he was! How could I not see it!! No I was so close to him and didn't know it!!!

He- he's my real dad!!

Okay I know this chapters really really short but I wanted an Oli's pov before the finally chapter and just couldn't figure out how to make it any longer, buttttt I hope you like it!!


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