Chapter 31

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Asher's pov

"Bubba please wake up!" I hear my little brother calling for me but I can't seem to open my eyes or say anything back. My head is pounding and it hurts my whole body to move. There's an ache in my shoulders like they are being pulled. Wait somethings holding my wrists above my head. I'm finally able to open my eyes a little but no light hits them like I thought it would. As I become more aware of what's going on I realize I'm in the shed hanging by the pully system that is set up in here.

"Bubba wake up!" My head snaps to the side at the sound of Cole crying. This only manages to make me dizzy. I can feel blood drying on the side of my head. What happened? Why am I down here?

Suddenly it all comes flooding back to me. Cole bringing me the phone, me calling 911, and then the man busting the door down.

"Hey are you awake?" I hear Oli ask me then I see him right in front of my face.

"W-what happened?" I mumble out trying to left my head but failing because I don't have enough strength. Cole must have realized I was awake by now and he jumps up and hugs my waist. I want to hug him back but I can't move my arms.

"You don't remember?" Oli asks as he starts to wipe the blood from my forehead.

"I-i remember somethings but what happened after? Ar-are the police coming?" I really hope they are! They have to be coming!

Oli goes quiet and stops rubbing the blood off. He walks over to the cabinet and pulls out some bandages. Then he comes back and starts wrapping it around my head.

"You thankfully don't need stitches but we will have to change your bandages pretty often." He tells me completely ignoring my question.

"Oli what happened! You- you have to tell me! Please tell me they are coming!" I beg him to tell me. They have to come they just have to! He will kill us if they don't save us!

"We aren't getting out of here Asher. You- you should have just taken the phone back downstairs." Oli finally tells me with a shake of his head.

"How? How are they not coming? They had the location and everything! I told them who we were!" I complain. I don't know whether I'm feeling anger or sadness or just complete disappointment in myself. How could I let this happen? I was supposed to protect Cole not put him in more harm. I shouldn't have ever called anyone I should have known by now that there's no escape.

"They are coming but they won't find you. Father called them back and- and he told them that I-I had friends over and- and they called as a-a dare. They said that they still had to come check it out. So n-now I have to go up there and act l-like that happened." He finally tells me.

"What!? Won't they know it's you? Oli you could get us out of here! All you have to do is tell them and they can protect you!" I try to convince him but it falls on deaf and brainwashed ears.

Shaking his head he turns around and presses a button on a TV I just now noticed was there.

"I-i can't it won't work. You have to stop Asher! If you could just do as he says then maybe just maybe he won't kill you and Cole!" He tells me turning back around from the tv. I just glare at him to in shock to do or say anything else. After he realizes im not going to say anything else he starts to explain what the tv is for "Father set up this TV because he wants you t-to watch when the police get here. The camera's are set up so you can see and hear everything that's going on." He points to the tv showing me all the individual tiny screens showing all the different parts of the house. It's in black and white but I can still tell whats going on. In one of the screens it shows the man sitting on the couch doing something on his phone.

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