Chapter 20

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Asher's pov

Cole! He's here! Please tell me I'm not losing my mind.

"How? How? How?" I keep repeating over and over again. I'm holding him so tight. It feels like if I let him go he will just disappear. I have to push him back just a little bit to make sure it actually him.

"Bubba your squishing me!" He groans against me when I pull him back into a tight hug. If this is a dream please never let me wake up. This can't be real! I saw him shoot him. I saw the blood come pouring out! I saw his little body fall!
"BUBBA LET GO! I CAN'T BREATHE!" I reluctantly stop squeezing him but I still hold onto him.

"How? Are you really real?" I ask mainly to myself. This just doesn't feel right.

"Of course I'm real bubba! Why wouldn't I be?" He giggles as he asks me. I stare at him another minute before I realize Oli's in the room too.

"Oli is this real? Please tell me this is real!" I beg him. This has got to be real! It's just got to.

He stares at me a minute before nodding his head yes.

"How? I-i saw.. I..." I was at a loss for words.

"It wasn't really Cole this time. Father went and found a kid around his age. That's why he had a bag over his head." Oli tells me.

"That-thats sick! Oli why can't you see he's completely crazy?!" I say almost amazed. What did that man do to Oli to make him like this?

Oli sighs before walking towards us. I grip Cole closer to me as he says. "Obviously you haven't learned you lesson yet."

"Wait! Wait! No! No! Don't take him please! I have learned I-i- im sorry!" I panic and start begging. I just got him back I'm not fixing to act stupid and let him go. From now on I have to do what I have to do to take care of him and to make sure he doesn't get hurt.

"Alright but next time I'll have no choice but to take him away. I could get in trouble if I don't." Oli tells me before backing up some.

"Bubba why are you crying?" Cole asks me.

"It-its nothing baby these are tears of joy." I laugh alittle as he reaches up and wipes the tears away.

"You've only got an hour with him. I'll be back when times up." Oli says before turning and walking out. How can he do stuff like this?

"Bubby I don't wanna leave again!" Cole cries grabbing onto me tightly.

"It'll be okay baby I promise, but we have to be good now so they don't split us up again." I hold the back of his head which is against my shoulder.

"Does that mean we aren't going home now?" He asks. I pause a minute thinking over my answer. We can't try escaping again. At least not for a while. Maybe someone will find us soon. I mean surely they are still looking for us. My parents would never stop looking for us. Right? I mean if it takes them years they probably would give up but surely they wouldn't give up this soon!

"Not right now baby, but maybe one day we can." I finally answer him.

"Papa said that this is our home now and that mommy and daddy didn't want us no more!" He says as he moves to sit beside me.

I pause a minute thinking about my answer before saying, "That's not true. Mama and daddy love us so much and they are looking for us really hard right now. The man's just blocking them from finding us, but right now we've- we've got to play a game. We have to act like we live here and that this is our home just until mama and daddy can find us." I hate having to tell him this but this is the only way to keep him from getting hurt. Maybe sometime soon they will find us.

"Like pretend?" He asks me.

"Yep just like pretend." I answer him and pull him closer into my side.
"So what have you been doing?" I asked him trying to change the subject.

"Oh! I helpeded Oli cook a BIG pizza! It was so good! It had cheese and pepperoni and sausages and black olives except I didn't like the black olives so I pickeded them off! Then papa brought home some cookie dough and we made cookies! There should still be some left maybe you can have some! They were chocolate chip!" It's honestly amazing how a childs mood can change in a matter of seconds. I wish it was that easy for me. I just give him a smile hoping it's convincing enough that he can't tell it's fake.

"Wow! That sounds like fun. Maybe there will be some left it sounds really good!" I tell him. My stomach decides to growl at the mention of food. They've tried to feed me these last few days but I've refused to eat anything. Anytime I so much as looked at the food I would start to feel sick so I didn't even attempt to eat it.

"Yeah but papa took away bunny cuz we ran away! He said running away is a big no no and that I can't have bunny back for a very long time!" He complains to me with a whine.

"I'm sorry baby! It's my fault. I'll talk to him and try to get him to give bunny back." I promise him. He says okay before he cuddles into my chest and falls asleep. I hope this part isn't a just a dream. I will go completely insane if this is a dream. All I can do now is just sit here and hold him tight. We cuddle for the rest of the hour. I just hope someone finds us soon.

Here's another chapter!!! It's not as good as I wanted it to be but oh well!

So did I trick anyone???

I wanna hear your thoughts!!
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