Chapter 9

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"H-help." I whimpered.

There was nothing but darkness, and I couldn't feel anything but the dragging of my feet. My eyes were weak and puffy,''W-what's going on?" I groaned. I stared blankly at a small light at the end of what seemed to be a tunnel, slowly and slowly getting I moving? I looked down to my feet and saw the glare of my boots, the light that was shining on it was defiantly moving,"O-oi! Let go of me!!" I yelled, pulling my arms away from what was holding me back.

There was no response and the only thing I got from that outburst was a tighter grip on my arms. My head dropped as I was taken away, my eyes wandering to the crumbled up brick walls and chipped flooring,"Where am I?" I questioned. There was a loud creak of noise and someone spoke,"In the underground catacombs of the Dark Night's Castle."

I quickly looked back to see a bright room and a very polished table with a sleek finish on it. I was hauled into the room and thrown onto the table,"Ahhh!" I yelped. A man in black clothing walked in and began to strap me down to the table, while the others held me down,"Let. Me. Go!!" I yelled. He looked down and pulled his hoodie back,"Never. You're in our world now."

My eyes widened, the bright light burning as he turned it up. I closed my eyes quickly out of reflex but they were pulled open by a metal object. I quickly gripped onto the edge of the table, scared for my life,"No! S-stop!! Stop it!!" I screamed. My eye lids were pulled apart, my eye exposed to the harsh air around us,"Magnificent." A man whispered. I looked over, my eye stinging as the metal scratched against my iris.

I cringed, the feeling making my head pulse with agony,"Stop." I whimpered, my chest bucking up as I cried. The man looked down, his blonde locks falling in front of his eyes,"You have no say in this." He growled. I began to cry harder, my eye burning, the liquid which was dried, now coming back. I closed my right eye as my left one stayed open because of the metal object,"May...I proceed?" A man asked.

I looked over as the blonde man nodded,"Very well."

I began to panic, never in my life have I been so anxious. The blonde man stood back as another took his place by the table,"W-what do you plan on doing to me?" I asked softly. He chuckled, his mask shaking as he did,"Nothing that will concern you for too long." My eyes widened and I began to thrash around,"Stop!! No!!! Please!! Just let me go!!!" I screamed.

The man picked up a small, sharp knife from this stool next to him, moving closer to me when he had it in his hands. The knife was held firmly in his grasp as he moved closer, the point nearly inches from my eye. Tears fell tremendously as he got closer,"P-p-please." I begged."Hey!!!!" Someone yelled.

I looked over in hope to see someone who could help me, but no one was there. I looked back and just then, I was met with a scalpel to the eye. I quickly moved my head out of the way, a scratch being placed on my cheek,"Oi! Be still!" The man cursed."Is anyone in there?! Hey!!!" Someone yelled again.

I looked back and yet no one was there,"Help!!!!" I screamed. My eye clamped shut and my other one twitching from fear. I slowly opened my eye to see the scalpel hovering right above my eye...but he wasn't moving. I looked over to see everyone else wasn't moving either,"H-hey." I choked out. They were frozen in place.

"Hey! Wake up!" Someone yelled. Its that person again, who are they? I could feel my body tremble and my head turn as I faded from the hell. I felt everything stop then light shine through and make me flinch.

"Hey, are you alright?" They asked. I cracked my eyes open and saw a boy with soft brown hair, dark blue hues and a worried expression,"Ahh!!!" I screamed, everything that happened to me, flashing before my eyes. He held my shoulder and shhed me,"Hey, its alright. It was just a dream." He whispered. I quickly lifted a hand to my burning cheek and asked,"Or was it? My cheek, the man cut my cheek a-and now...l-look!" I whispered quickly.

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