Chapter 15

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"I miss you too, Levi. Please...don't leave Mary all by herself. She needs you."

That voice, it can't be. Not Eren. I looked over to where the voice came from and saw him, his body and features, translucent,"How...?" I asked softly. He made his way over to the bed slowly,"The same way vampires are possible." He joked.

I quickly moved towards him, about to reach my arms out and around him, but he moved away,"E-eren...w-what's wrong?" I asked softly. He sighed, slowly pointing to my hand. I was confused, what was he trying to say,"I-I don't understand." I whispered.

He moved his hand to mine, it instantly passing through it with no trouble. His face morphed into one of sadness,"I-I can't hold the one I love." He cried. I looked up with shock,"S-so...this isn't a dream. You really are here!" I cried out. He nodded hesitantly, before whispering,"They won't let me stay."

My eyes widened as I remembered him saying that in my dream,"Why?! Why won't they let you stay!? You're here aren't you dammit!? Why?!" I screamed. He looked down slowly,"I-I don't know Levi...I-I just know I can't. They won't let me..."

"Who are they!? Who are they telling you what you can and can't do?!" I screamed, my eyes getting puffy as tears fell,"I-I'm not supposed to say..."He whispered softly. My eyes narrowed in anger,"Not supposed to say my ass! Eren! Who are they?! I can help you!" I yelled desperately.

He moved away slowly,"T-the Keepers." His voice was low and hushed,"E-eren...I'm not going to hurt you." I whispered, reaching out towards him. He looked up, tears slowly falling,"I know. I'm just afraid you'll hurt yourself instead. Please. Don't leave Mary behind. It'll be ok. I promise."

I reached out, wrapping my arms around him, only to be hugging myself instead,"Why....?" I asked, tears slowly falling as I looked up to meet his gaze. His head fell, as he whispered,"It's a barrier I can't cross Levi...even if I so desperately wanted to....I can't."

"Just stay. The Dark King is dead! We don't have to worry about him anymore! We're free, don't you see that Eren." I cried out. Eren's mouth opened as if to speak, only to close at a knock on my door,"Levi? Who are you talking to? Levi?!" It was Hanji.

I looked back to see Eren disappear, his face one of terror and sadness,"Eren!" I yelled, reaching out to him, but it was too late. He was gone. Just then my door was opened and Hanji came running in,"You idiot!" I yelled, grabbing her by her shirt collar.

Her eyes widened as she stared at me scared,"You made him run away! He was finally back! You made him leave!! You shit glasses!!!" I screamed. Hanji looked absolutely terrified,"Levi! What are you talking about!? Eren isn't here! He's gone!" She cried out.

My eyes closed as tears fell,"W-why....." The words left my mouth in such a desperate plea for help. My knees gave in and I fell to the floor. My grip was no longer on Hanji, but on the floor instead, my finger nails bending into the marble floor.

"Levi." Hanji whispered. I shook my head not wanting to talk about it,"'re right, he's gone....and always will be." I felt Hanji wrap her arms around me, pulling me into her chest,"I know you miss him. We all do, just please understand that. Mary's having a hard time Levi....I-I know you haven't noticed it....but she hasn't been eating. She's growing weak..."

My eyes widened as I looked up to Hanji's gaze,"No....she's just a child. Please. I need to see her!" I yelled. Hanji held my shoulders, holding me in place,"Levi! You can't! With your state being like're weak as well."

I pushed her away and headed out the door, walking down to Mary's room. As I made it down there, I heard the faint sound of laughter. I slowly walked over to her door, slightly cracking it, peaking in and seeing only Mary. She was sitting on her bed, smiling,"Do it again! Do it again!" She cheered. I was wondering who she was talking to, when she screamed, I was about to burst the door open when she started laughing again,"Daddy! You're so funny!"

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