Chapter 13

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"Pa! Pa! There's news from the kingdom!" A boy yelled. His father, working on the village's burned homes, looked over to his son, the same son, who fought with his majesty,"What is it my boy?" He smiled.

His son ran with a letter, addressed to....the village,"What is this?" He asked, his voice sounding frightened.

"Gather everyone in the town square. We must wait for everyone to hear!" He commanded. His son nodded, running in the other direction to call upon the people,"Everyone! There's to be a meeting in town square! Everyone is to go to town square immediately!" He yelled, ringing a small bell hanging from a rope.

Everyone scattered through the streets, raced to the middle of the village, hoping to find out news of what was happening. As everyone gathered around the old man, he opened the letter. Everyone watched as his eyes widened,"The Queen...." He shuddered.

"The Queen?! What about him?!" They yelled, demanding to know the truth. The old man lowered the letter, folding the seal and looking to the village,"He....he has....he-" The old man feared of the outcome of what this news would bring. A revolution would surely up rise in a demand of explanations.

"He's what man?! Spit it out!" Several men hissed. His son growled at them, telling them to lay off,"Shut up! He's getting to it!" He snapped, he looked back to his father with hopeful eyes,"He's what father?" He asked.

"He's dead." He whispered.

"The Queen is dead?!!" They screamed,"Who would do such a thing?!" They yelled. Everyone began to panic, women pulled their kids into their homes, locking their doors as the men stayed behind, building a clan to take over the Dark King's castle.

"We'll kill'em!!!" They wailed.

The old man watched as they got swords and guns, and started to run off into the woods,"Son!" He yelled, watching him run with them,"No! You'll be sent to you're death!" He cried.

His son only glanced back, giving him one last goodbye as he ran out into the woods, clearly set on avenging his Queen.


"King! There's a fleet of villagers headed to the Dark King's castle! We need to stop them!" Hanji cried out. I looked over from my window, the frost of the snow slowly fading as the sun began to rise,"I know. I can see." I hissed. Out, five miles, I could see torches and men running through the woods,"Those fools." I hissed.

I turned around, my black heart clenching as I thought of those same men, fighting along side Eren. I scowled deeply,"Levi. Where are you going?! You can't leave now! The funeral is tomorrow morning!" She yelled, running after me. I turned swiftly, grabbing her neck in anger,"If I don't stop them now, there won't be a Kingdom at all."

Her eyes watered as I clenched tighter,"L-levi stop. E-eren wouldn't w-want this!" She gasped. My eye twitched in anger,"How would you know what Eren would want!? How would any of you know!? You didn't love him like I did!" I yelled harshly.

"Levi that is enough. I already sent platoons out to help. We are going to lose half if not all the male humans in our kingdom. We need to focus on what's at hand. Release Hanji or else." He snapped.

I dropped the stupid four eyes, glaring at him as I passed,"I'll be leaving in ten minutes to go help. Stay out of my way." I hissed. Erwin stared at me as I walked to my room, putting on my battle clothes. I grabbed my swords and headed out to catch up with the platoons Erwin sent out earlier.

As I got my horse, I rode out into the woods, the sounds of battle cries not too far out from where I was. There was a large fire out in the distance, where the Dark Castle was located. My horse got spooked and bucked me off, running in the other direction, leaving me stranded.

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