First Day

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Troye’s POV:

 I stood in front of my full body mirror, looked myself up and down, and smoothed out my light blue dress shirt. It was an extremely warm Monday in Mid-June, and it also happened to be the first day of my new job at a music production company called Oakley Records in Downtown LA. I was excited to be working in the music business. It was something I had longed for ever since I was a child. It wasn’t exactly the ideal position though. My big dream was to become a singer and get signed to a label so I could have an album produced. I guess this was a good start.

 Maybe there’s a way to make friends with people higher up that might help me out with a record deal…yeah right, stop dreaming, Troye,  that’s not likely to happen. I took one last look in the mirror, straightened my tie, then grabbed my bag and headed out the door of my small apartment.

 The whole half an hour it took to drive up there, my mind was filled with thoughts of what I would be doing. Do I get to audition people? Possibly even write songs for the company? That would be amazing. But then again what if I only got to work in and six by six foot cubicle and do nothing of major importance? Whatever, anything was better than nothing and the pay was great. Even if I did have to work that way, I could always move up the corporate ladder.

 I pulled my car up to the entrance of the parking lot where a machine was. There was a small sign that said Hold parking pass in front of camera. Parking pass? What parking- shit. I completely forgot about that. It came in the mail a few days ago and I meant to put it in my car as soon as I opened it, but it must have slipped my mind. I hit the steering wheel with my fists. “Dammit!” Now how the hell was I supposed to get in? I backed my car up- thankfully no one was waiting behind me- and searched for another place to park.

 I found one a few blocks away from the building and parked my car, sighing. I had not planned on walking out in over 90 degree heat to get to work. Good thing I left earlier than I had to or else I would have been that on my first day of work. Not a good way to start off your new job.

 I walked through the front doors of the building fifteen minutes later, surprisingly not sweaty. The secretary at the front desk gave me a fake smile that was more than likely used daily when I walked up to her. “Hello, my name is Colleen. How may I help you today?”

 “Hi, I’m Troye Mellet. I just got a new job and today is my first day. I kind of don’t know where I should go,” I replied, her fake tone pissing me off even more than I already was.

 “I’ll just call someone down to help get you situated,” She said looking at me in disgust.

 I stood, tapping my fingers on the marble desk while I waited for her to send whoever it was down. I started humming too while tapping out the beat to West Coast by Lana Del Rey. Colleen laid her hand on mine.

 "Could you stop that please?"

 "Yeah, sorry," I pulled my hand out from beneath hers and slipped both of mine in the pockets of my pants, irritated. Can’t she see that I’m new here? She could show a little more respect.

 "It's fine. Your guide should be here shortly. His name is Connor and he's been here a couple years so he knows his way around. Here he comes now. Hey Con!"

 I turned around and came face to face with my second co-worker for the day. He had nice brown hair with hints of auburn, and was wearing a dark grey shirt with black pants (that pointed out his ass nicely, might I add) and a black tie and Bluetooth on his ear. He smiled at me and stuck his hand out to shake. Wow, he had really white teeth.

 My hand met his and we shook once before I pulled mine away.

 "I'm Connor Franta and welcome to this Frantastic Monday! I'm sorry, that joke was lame, but it's how I break the ice," He said warmly.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2015 ⏰

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