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Morning came and I woke up first, and then I turned to the one sleeping beside me. I can only say she's such a sleepy head.

Not wanting to disturb her, I get off the bed and proceeded on the bathroom.

After showering...I headed downstaur to make some breakfast.

While cooking I heard some footsteps and ywans from upstairs so I thought maybe Lesley, was already awake.

After preparing breakfast I headed back upstairs to call her but she's nowhere to be found.

I searched the whole room and got nothing.

So I tried to look in the bathroom.

And I was shocked because she is there sitting in the bowl while her toothbrush was stock on her mouth..Just when did I have a friend with this kind of habits.

Even the sound of the door didn't bother her sleeping.

So I let myself in and slowly got the toothbrush out of her mouth. I put it on the sink and try shaking her to wake her up.

At first she just shrugs and sleep fpe more. Since she didn't wake up yet, I decided to take out my phone and take a picture of her sleeping like that.

After one shot, I hid my phone and continued to wake her up.

"Hey Lesley, wake up!".....I said enough for her to hear. After so many shaking of her body, she opens one of her eye and I stopped shaking her .

"Get up, you have presentation today and this is not where you should be sleeping"....I reminded her about the presentation that she was about to present today and at last she has now fully awaken.

After that I left her in the bathroom and headed downstairs.

While waiting her downstairs, I change in to my uniform and fix my hair.

"(Yawn)....Why didn't you wake me up?"...she asked while walking downstairs still half-asleep.

"Hey, don't blame me, you slept too much that's why"...I answered back and headed to the dining room.

As we both sat down, I noticed that her eyes was still closed..Aish..this girl!..

"Hey Lesley, wake up, did ypu stay up all night?"....I asked and shockingly she nod at me. What?!

"What?!"....I exclaimed and..

"I couldn't sleep last night"...she said still sleepy.

"Tsk!, do you want to stay home?"....I asked worried that maybe she doesn't feel good.

"Can I, but, I have a presentation"...she said insisting to go.

"I'll take over, stay here and rest, okay?"...I said and she nod at me and I came near her to help her transfer upstairs to bed.

"Now, Rest don't think of roaming around, okay?"....I advised and she nods making herself comfortable at the bed.

"I'm leaving, call me if you don't feel good"...I said before heading out, taking her presentation things with me.

As I got to the school, I quickly enetered the classroom and there I saw my lec.

As I saw her, I immediately walk near her. I need to explain Lesley's co dition so I could take over her presentation for today.

"Ms., can I talk to you?"...I politely asked and she just nod.

"What is it? Ms. Johnson?"..she asked and I exhaled lightly before speaking.

"Ms. If you wouldn't mind, I would like to take over for Lesley's presentation, I'm afraid she couldn't make it today because she doesn't feel good"....I explained..

"Oh...okay, you can, but what happened to her? Is she alright?"....she sounds worried so I somehow told her  Lesley's situation.

"I think she's sufferring from a headache so I let her stay home"....I said before setting up everything.

"Oh ok....I hope that she'll recover soon, you're such a good friend"....she praised me and I just flash a small smile in my lips.

After that, I presented Lesley's presentation. I was kinda nervous but I managed to do it just right. It's because I didn-t have a chance to take a peek at her presentation, glad that I have a small knowledge accroding to it.

As I finished presenting, some asks question and mostly the question was asked by our lec.

Afternoon came and it's already dismissal so I packed my things and hurried outside. I'm a bit worrued because Lesley, didn't bother to call the whole day.

As I enter the bus, I quickly sat on the single one and tried to contact her.

After some dials I noticed that it's ringing but nobody answered.

A few minutes of riding the bus, I reached my house.

I entered the gate and lock it. I proceeded inside and also locked the door.

I turned around and noticed that the lights are off so I immediately find to switch to turn it on.

As the light covered the room. I rushed upstairs.

I checked on the bedroom but found nothing, so I called her name loudly.

"Lesley"....I called and no one answered, I ran downstairs and called her name again. "Lesley!".....I almost screamed but remain calm as of now.

I walked to see the kitchen but saw nothing too, I was about to open the bathroom when I smell something bad. Is she pooping?

"Lesley?"...I called.

"Hey, you're already home"....she said.

"Tsk! You brat, I thought you've left the house"...I said..

"How can I leave the house when I couldn't even left the bathroom,"...she said and I could only cover my nose with my fingers.

"Do you have a diarrhea?"....I asked while my nose is still being covered with my hands.

"What do you think, since I've waked up earlier, All I can do was to go in and out of this bathroom"....she said and I could sense that she's weak already.

"Wait there I'll go buy medicine"....I said and she just answered okay so I left upstairs.

As I head downstairs, I grab one of my coat and left the house....

To be continued......

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