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I heard my noisy phone so I grab it while still lying on the bed.

I look at the screen and I saw Lesley calling..

                    Lesley Calling.......
            📞Answer      📞Decline


"Are you not awake up yet?"



"Why? What is it"

"Oh my god did you forgot?"

"We have a day class today girl"


"Yeah, Did you forgot?"

"I'm sorry, I'll go get ready okay"

"Okay, Just do it faster, it's already 7:30 am, the class starts at 8:00"

"Okay thanks bye"

Oh my god, Just what in the world happened to me so I woke up this late. Nevermind, I just need to be fast..

After taking shower, I brushed my teeth and quickly fix my self at the mirror.

I didn't bother to have breakfast bacause I'm gonna be late at this time.

I checked the house again and lock it, and wait for a taxi, gladly there is one this instant, so I immediately hop in and said where my destinatiin is.

After I got off I quickly run through the hallwy to catch up for my first class, But suddenly I hit a wall no, a it's a person so I stopped from running.

"Sorry"...I said and I was about to walk away when he suddenly speak.

"Is that all?"...I already said sorry. What does he want right now?

"Yeah, isn't sorry enough?"...I said to him and slowly faced him.

"Woah do you think, sorry is enough, with this?"....he said and started showing his uniform stained with a juice he's drinking...

I didn't say anything.

"Next time, look at where are you going instead of bumoing someone like this, Tsk! Bumper"...WTF. Did he just call me a Bumper.

I was supposed to talkback to him when I remembered my class. If it isn't fo my class I would've hit this jerk in his face.

"Hey, how dare you call me a bumper?".....I said while glaring at him and I noticed there are other students that are watching us right now and some of them are whispering to each other.

"Oh my god, How dare she talk to, Wayne?"

"Is she insane?"

"Well maybe she is, she bump at him and even dare to fight with him..."

"Well what can we do  a new face always make a scene...."

I heard them whispering about this Wayne, whatever guy...I don't care about him.

"See their looks at you, You're dead right now Ms. Bumper"....he said and I want to punch him this instant but I don't want to be detention causing a scene like this.

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