Chapter 1

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Hello! Author here! I just wanted to let you all know something. This is definitely not a work of literary genius- far from it. I wrote this book when I was 12/13. I had gone back and edited since then but there's only so much you can edit to a book written by a pre-teen. I've wanted to delete this story off Wattpad but a lot of you guys reached out and told me not to. So although I am definitely not super proud of this work, I'm leaving it up here for you guys to read. It's been five years but I've slowly begun getting back into writing so expect a much better-written book in the near future. 

Nobody's POV-

Tempest is a girl who has a temper, a bad temper. That's where she got her name. She is a real good fighter and can take care of herself pretty well. When she was 6, her parents were taken away and murdered, therefore she had to run away and ended up in Manhattan. Jack Kelly, who was her unofficial brother, took her in after a few years and brought her up to fight and sell papers. Dressed up as a boy, Tempest sells papers everyday for Manhattan. Her main weapon is her speed, fists, feet, and her prized staff. It was gold, with a silver handle. She never lets it out of her sight. Once, someone tried to take it, but never saw the light of day again. She thinks that this life is boring and yearns for a more adventurous life. 

Spot is the feared newsie leader from Brooklyn. He is known as a big womanizer, but he hasn't found "the one" yet. Right now he is with a girl named Livia, a greedy shirtwaist factory worker. He is a pretty good leader for Brooklyn, his cane that he stole from Pulitzer. Though he has so much, there's something missing in his life.

Tempest's POV-
"Get up! Get up!" Kloppmann yelled as he started to wake us up. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. 

"Good morning Twilight" he said. He was the only one that bothered to call me by my real name. I smiled and took my clothes, walking into the bathroom. There was a special room reserved to me. I changed and tucked my long black hair into my newsie cap. Most of the newsies know I'm a girl, the first ever, and a pretty powerful one at that. Race started flipping stuff from his bed.

(Start Song 'Carrying the Banner')

Race: That's my cigar

Snipeshooter: You'll steal anudder

Kid Blink: Hey, Bummers, we got work to do

Specs: Since when did you become me mudder?

Crutchy: Ah, stop yer bawling

Mush, Specs, Kid Blink: Who ast you?

(End Singing, Start Talking)

"Morning Jack" I said. He nodded.

"So, how'd you sleep Jack?" Mush, a womanizer asked.

"On me back Mush." Jack groggily replied.

"Ha ha. Hear that fellas? Hear what Jack said? I asked Jack how he slept and he said 'On me back Mush'" Mush exclaimed, walking into the washroom. I walked over to Jack who was talking to Crutchy,

"Jack, when I walk, does it look like I'm faking it?" Crutchy asked.

"No. Who says you're faking it?" Jack said back.

"I dunno. It's just there's so many fake crips on the street today, a real crip ain't got a chance. I gotta find me a new selling spot where they ain't used to seeing me." Crutchy confessed.

(Start Singing Again)

Mush: Try Bottle Alley or the harbor

Racetrack: Try Central Park, it's guaranteed

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