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Given whoever from the two I was with last night, he had the intention of meeting up again in the morning. And I wasn't in the mood for that confrontation. Therefore, my room was compromised.

But who was it?

Or was it both? Oh god! Both?

"I can't do this right now," I admitted.

Amy sighed. "Fine. Go and hide in my room."

I turned to her with slight apprehension.

"Don't worry, sister. You won't find anything unsightly in there as supposed to yours?" she trailed into a question.

I grimaced at the truth of her words. "Other than the messy bed, I made sure everything was thrown away. Also, I packed my things. So, you don't need to worry about packing up for check-out."

She sighed and nodded. "Okay. I'll take care of it. Now, go and hide unless you want to find out which of those two men you actually—"

"Ah! Zip it," I interjected and motioned to shut her mouth.

I turned to my best friend, reaching for a hug. "Congratulations, Zoey. And enjoy your first day as a wife. If you need me, you call. But don't find me unless it's necessary, okay?" I cheekily said.

Zoey reciprocated my embrace, giving me a little squeeze. "And if anyone asked for you?"

I let go and grimaced. "You know how to answer and handle that."

She chuckled and lightly nudge me. "I do. Now, go hide."

After grabbing a couple of bagels, and a takeaway coffee cup, I rushed out of there without a trace.

With the key to my new hiding spot, I marched without looking back and ignored anyone who'd tried to talk to me.

When I've safely made it to the room, a wave of relief washed over me. Although I used to be elated at the thought of having two men—well, maybe just one—that we're interested in me, I couldn't find the joy in it now.

This was not how I wanted to start dating again. Not jumping into the fry already giving away an important piece of me.

I wanted to be wooed and dined with bouquets and chocolates. Even if I was no virgin, it doesn't mean I should be treated with the knowledge that I'd easily give myself away.

When did it become difficult finding decent men without the worry of having to sleep with them after a certain number of dates?


Getting back to Chicago without crossing paths with either Steve or Reed made me enthusiastic. I may be spared living with the consequences of my poor life choices.

But then, I remember it was highly unlikely to avoid them for long. Although there was a higher chance of seeing less of Steve, Reed Seymour was a problem.

By Monday morning, I was deciding whether or not to coin another sick leave. However, I realized I've already taken all of my absence and vacation leave four months ago.

There's no ignoring the inevitable anymore, I thought grimly. And then, a knock on my door pulled me out of my stupor.

"April, are you up?" Zoey's muffled voice called across the door. "Are you calling in sick today? You were still groggy when we got here yesterday evening.

With a deep breath, I got up. "Yes, I'm up! I'm going to work today even if I had to drag my dead body."

"Okay. I made some waffles and coffee. Do you want some?" she asked.

Sweet Persuasion (Book 4 of the Girls In Suits Series)Where stories live. Discover now