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The phone rang minutes after Reed left Hardy's office. I peered up and saw my boss gesturing at the phone. I picked it up without a moment's notice.

"April, can you pull out all the files of my clients based in New York," he instructed.

"Yes, sir," I replied and put down the phone.

I checked the files on my computer, searching for the list of clients Hardy has based in New York. At that point, from how quickly he asked of it and Reed's departure, I had an inkling why he needed it.

But I kept it to myself until my boss proves or dispute it.

After making a quick call to the record's department, knowing Hardy would want the files' physical copy, I sent him the files via email. And then, ten minutes later, I got a call from the record's office about picking up the file.

I hurried down to the floor below using the stairwell, which is the building fire exit. However, since the firm rented three floors of the building, they kept the stairwell open for easy access.

On my way down, I could hear the door below open. I peered through the railings and saw someone was heading up my way. As I reached the landing, I stopped on my track when I got a better look at who it is.

"April, are you heading down to the record's office?" Reed asked a second after he saw me.

"Ah, yeah. I am. But how did you know I was going there?"

"Well, I expected as much since I asked to see Hardy's New York clients."

"I guessed that from how he asked me to get it after you left. But is there a reason you want to see the list if you don't mind me asking?" I added the last part, sensing it was an intrusive query.

"At this point, it's still premature to say, so I can't divulge anything yet."

I smiled and nodded. "No worries. I didn't mean to pry."

"Well, if you have asked me outside of work, I would have said something about it..." he trailed off, arching an eyebrow. "Are we still on this weekend for our date?"

I tried and failed to control my expression. "Oh, yeah, of course. I haven't canceled or anything. Why? Are you unavailable that day?"

He smirked and snorted. "Unlikely. I was the one who asked, so I made sure to make time for it."

"Oh, well, I'm glad. Did you ever tell me the time you'll be picking me up? Unless you want to meet somewhere..."

He shook his head and slowly walked the stairs, and stop to stand beside me. "No, I will pick you up at your apartment by seven. I hope that's fine with you."

"Sure. Seven sounds good. And where are we going?"

"Well, that there is a secret," he replied with a coy smile and winked. "I have to head back to my office. I shall see you later, April. And if you needed company later after work, I'd very much oblige to volunteer again." He retreated up the stairs, slowly leaving me in the stairwell.

He caught me off guard again. "Ah... no. I'm fine. I don't need..." I stuttered and trailed off when I heard the door above creaked open and then closed.

Finally, alone, I groaned in frustration and embarrassment. He played me, and I let him. Why do I get flustered so quickly when he's playful and coy?

I took five deep breaths to settle my composure and then entered the main office on the floor below, which was generally the record's room.


When I got back to my desk, I hastily sorted out the folders, taking out the necessary documents, and then piled them on a tray to be given to Hardy. After I finished them, in the corner of my eyes, I noticed Karina approaching my desk.

Sweet Persuasion (Book 4 of the Girls In Suits Series)Where stories live. Discover now