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"April? Hey?" Reed waved his hand in front of my face since I briefly blanked out.

I turned to him, dumbfounded. "Did I hear you right? Me, going to New York with Hardy?"

"Yes, I mean, you are his executive secretary. So it's obvious you'd go with him along with his promotion. Unless you're going to quit being his secretary," he paused in thought. "I hope not," he softly added.

"What? No!" I gaped at him. "Why would I quit just because of that?" I scoffed. "If you think about it, for the years I've been working with Hardy, there were a lot of reasons for me to quit. But, unfortunately, this is not one of those good reasons."

"Then, if he does end up with the promotion, you'd be willing to move to New York?" He asked, sounding hopeful.

I thought about it for a second. "Maybe, I mean, I've been living here in Chicago for most of my life. A new scenery might be something I need right now." Considering I also have a crazy ex-boyfriend turned stalker, I thought.

"Well, I'm glad you are open to it," he remarked with a relieving sigh and smiled. "And I think you'll love New York. Have you been there?"

"Yes, I have. Twice when I was in college with some friends, but not recently."

"If you got the time now, would you be willing to go there?"

"What? You mean, now?" I looked at him dumbfounded. He wouldn't.

"Not now, per se, maybe in the following week, if you like," he timidly said.

I regarded him for a moment. "Are you asking me to go on vacation with you to New York?"

"Well, if you feel that's untoward, I could say it'll be a business trip?" His words trailed into a question rather than a statement.

I smirked, shaking my head. "We just had our first date, and you're already asking to do such a big step and travel with you out of state. So let's see how tonight goes, Reed."

He chuckled. "Fair enough. I hope my offer wouldn't affect your judgment of me."

"Oh, don't worry. I already know a bit about you that this hardly causes a shift of my opinion on you."

He laughed. "Now, I'm scared to ask what you think of me."

"I hope that'll be enough for you not to curiously inquire me about it. I'm afraid you'd think badly of me too."

He grinned cheekily. "I've already seen you blind drunk, April. And I hadn't thought badly of you even then, rather you were endearing."

"Well, I'm flattered. No one told me I'm endearing when I'm knee-deep in tequila," I said and laughed. "Surely, you have better choices of women out there instead of an outspoken, slightly alcoholic, legal secretary like me," I lightly jested.

I could sense his frown before seeing it.

"Don't judge yourself too harshly, April. You are worth any man's respect and affection," he stated.

His comment stunned me. I could feel my cheek flush in embarrassment. He might have been the first man who said that to me, other than my own father. However, the way he said it was different. It made my heart flutter and filled with warmth.


When we were close to the apartment, Reed asked where the entrance to the parking area was. I got confused by his question; therefore, he pointed at the garment bag on the back passenger seat.

"Did you bring a change of clothes? Did you expect that I'll be long before I finished work?" I asked.

"I considered it and came prepared. Either way, I won't postpone tonight for anything," he replied with a wink.

Sweet Persuasion (Book 4 of the Girls In Suits Series)Where stories live. Discover now