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Chicago has many high-end venues that can cater to an affluent clientele. And the Navy Pier is one of them. It has a variety of functions that can accommodate different types of events. One of them is the Crystal Garden, mainly known for its romantic ambiance.

"What sort of event is it, by the way?" I asked as Reed turned towards the parking lot.

"It's an event to launch a new project of condominiums just outside the downtown business district."

"Which company is hosting?"

"Oh, that'll be the Hawksley's," he replied with nonchalance.

It took me a moment to register what he said. "Hawksley? But Julian and Zoey are away... and Amy would have said something if her company would be hosting a party."

"One of the people who spearheaded this event is Kyla Hawksley, Jensen's wife, and Julian's sister-in-law—" he trailed off when I nodded profusely.

"Yes, of course, I know who Kyla is." I scoffed. "But why haven't I heard about this event? As I've said, Amy would have said something to me."

"Maybe Amy's not—"

"My sister's the head of the secretarial staff, and mind you, she's very keen on knowing what's what in her workplace. She would know." I cut him off hastily. "It's expected of Zoey to not tell me anything since she's in her honeymoon bubble with Julian. However, my sister would have said something." I thought out loud.

"Maybe it wasn't something she wanted to share with you or—"

I snorted and dryly chuckled. "No. Amy would have told me if there was a party like this. She usually invites me as her chaperone. But then, now, she has Dean—maybe you have a point there."

Upon my realization, I shook my head. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to argue. But, of course, Amy would have asked Dean to go with her now. So she didn't need to let me know when I won't be participating anyway."

"But now, you're going with me, or would you rather have another company?" Reed cheekily asked, trying to lighten my mood.

I smiled at him sheepishly. "Sorry. You're a lovely company, Reed. I didn't mean to sound rude. I was just—no. I should not be making excuses."

"It's okay. I don't mind hearing you rant on," he cheekily said and grinned.

I looked around the guest flocking towards the entrance. Somehow, we were slightly out of place from how some of them dressed.

"Do you actually have an invitation to this party? Or are we party-crashing? Because I'm not sure about breaking any laws right now," I asked skeptically, yet I couldn't stop smiling.

"If you get caught, tell them I'm your lawyer too." He winked.

"Too?" I arched an eyebrow while the edges of my lips twitched, holding back a giggle.

"Well, I'm also your date tonight, making me your partner-in-crime."

I laughed. His remarks somehow helped me revert my mind from burdensome thoughts earlier.

We walked up towards the main entrance and slowly headed towards the event. I could already see people coming and going from the venue within ten feet. There were at least a hundred people at this event based on the crowd.

I was sure the media would be present since a Hawksley is attached to this event. But, as expected, moments later, flashes of lights followed as a pair of notable people entered the event ahead of us.

"Is that who I think it is?" I gapped at the couple. The edged of my lips twitched into a smile. "If Julian and Zoey are away longer, I'm sure those two would hog the spotlight from them as the 'it' couple of the business community."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2022 ⏰

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