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@Tchalamet Instagram story

@Tchalamet Instagram story

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4 Weeks Later

Timothee POV

Timothee wasn't good at expressing his emotions, but if he had to choose one word to describe how he was feeling at that moment it would most definitely be:


And he knew the word didn't really mean much, and out of the million of words in the English language, "surprised" was probably one of the most basic ones.
But he couldn't help it, as he was glancing at Iris, to feel like she had proven him wrong in all of his assumptions about her.

When he found out he was going to work with her, he sort of got the feeling that she had been chosen because of her brothers, after all Riccardo was friends with Robert, and Timothee suspected that Robert had chosen Iris just because of that.

But now that a month had passed since they had started filming he realised how talented Iris was and how unfairly he had judged her, she walked on set and would bring a wave of happiness with her, it was safe to say that everyone on set liked her, including Timothee.

She was an amazing friend to him, and always managed to make him smile, she was tiny but he could swear that the energy she brought with her would be too much even for the body of Dwayne Johnson.

Right now she was laying down next to him in her trailer playing with her dog Toulouse, she looked peaceful and completely distracted so Timothee decided to do the one thing he knew annoyed more than anything else:

He decided to tickle her.

On her stomach.

Thankfully Toulouse decided to get up and go for a walk around the trailer so Timothee had a clear coast, Iris suddenly turned to look at him and he, without hesitation, started tickling her.
He absolutely adored her laugh and even though he knew she would be annoyed at him for tickling her, he didn't regret it because he got to hear it.

Iris rolled onto her side to stop him from tickling her any further but he simply followed and ended up on top of her.
He found it incredibly hard to think in this position and it was obvious to him that Iris knew perfectly what he was thinking about, she gave him a sly smile and started playing with his hair, Timothee didn't know what to do, he simply stared at her and prayed for his own sake that she wasn't just toying with him.

Iris kept passing her fingers through his hair and slowly moving closer to him, he moved his head down towards her as she did the same, they were mere inches apart and if one of them had taken the initiative they would've kissed, and Timothee was about to, but as soon as he made the move someone knocked on the door of the trailer.

He reluctantly shifted allowing her to get up and go and open the door, he assumed it was someone from set here to remind them that their next scene would be in half an hour, and he wasn't wrong, a worker was outside the trailer holding a paper clip.

-Excuse me Iris, you need to start getting ready, your scene is in twenty minutes- she saw Timothee as she finished her sentence and gave him a small smile, he smiled back although he was truly annoyed, Iris thanked her and turned back to look at him, she sighed silently and said:

-I have to go now, I'll see you later?- Timothee nodded and left her trailer without another word.


Obvious~ Timothée ChalametWhere stories live. Discover now