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Iris POV:

If anyone had asked Iris, that Tuesday morning, if she was nervous, she would've denied it.
Not because she was afraid of displaying her weaknesses or because she was too prideful, but simply because she wasn't nervous, she was absolutely terrified, and even that would've be an understatement.

She was currently standing in front her mirror and checking her makeup for any smudges, a silent chuckle made her turn around to look at the boy that was sitting on her couch, Lorenzo Zurzolo.
The Italian boy seemed incredibly amused and that slightly distracted Iris from her nervousness.

They had a habit of talking in a mix of Italian and English, and whoever listened to their conversation would remain confused because their accents shifted very quickly.

-Cosa c'è di tanto divertente?- (what's so funny?) asked Iris, Lorenzo simply shrugged and picked up her phone from the coffee table in front of him.

-Your meeting is in thirty minutes, dovresti sbrigarti (you should hurry up)- he said laughing at her reaction.

Lorenzo was her brothers best friend, and she knew that their situation made a perfect cliche love story, but she saw Lorenzo as her best friend too.
She had asked him to drive her to the meeting as she avoided doing so herself, she knew how to, but If someone could drive her she surely wouldn't take the wheel.

She could've asked her brothers, Riccardo and Matteo.
But she realised that they surely wouldn't leave when they got to the meeting, they would Insist on talking to Timothee and embarrass her in front of him. They were very protective of her and that's the only reason why she never had a real relationship, they scared away everyone, Lorenzo was protective too but he never interfered in her business.

-Voglio morire, secondo te sono vestita bene?
(I wanna die, do you think I'm dressed well?)- Iris asked, Lorenzo stared at her for a few seconds and with a serious expression on his face he shook his head in denial, he then laughed loudly as Iris widened her eyes and rushed to her bedroom.

-I was joking, stai bene tranquilla (don't worry, you look good)- he smiled at her and turned to look at time, she realised they had ten minutes left if she wanted to get there in time, and she obviously wanted to get there in time.

She had starred in movies before but never as the leading actress, and she really wanted to build her acting career before moving back to music, her main passion.

Lorenzo gently picked up Toulouse, Iris's dog, from his lap and placed him on the couch before getting up to get his car key, Iris checked herself in the mirror one last time and then headed out with him.


The Netflix production office was located in central Los Angeles and it was thirty minutes away from Iris's house, although Lorenzo tried to distract her she still felt as if she was going to throw up in the car, and she knew that if she did that Lorenzo would simply kick her out of his car without hesitation.

She realised how lucky she was to be able to say that she would be working with Robert Downey Jr and Timothee Chalamet but she also realised that working with experienced actors would require more work from her part, and she was afraid she wouldn't be able to live up to their expectations.

When they got to the parking lot Iris was sure she would pass out, she had always been a nervous person and very anxious, and although she wished she could just walk out of the car and walk in the office like she owned the place, she knew she wasn't capable of that, and probably never would be capable.

Lorenzo got out of the car and walked to her side to open the door, she wasn't getting out so she sighed and took her hand,

-Don't back out now, I know you'll be amazing- he smiled softly at her and she asked him:

-Come lo sai? (How do you know?)-

-Perché ti conosco e so di cosa sei capace (because I know you and I know what you're capable of)-

Someone gave a small cough behind them and both Iris and Lorenzo turned around to find Timothee smiling at them, Iris slowly got out of the car and smiled back, next to her Lorenzo was eyeing Timothee.

-Sorry to interrupt, I just got here and saw you guys so I though we might as well walk in together- said the French boy, his short curls framing his face.

-Hi, sorry I was just a bit nervous- Iris felt like she had to apologise, she knew she said sorry way too much but she didn't know how to stop.

-It's normal, we have ten minutes before the meeting, do you want to get perhaps get a coffee?- asked Timothee, Iris nodded shyly and turned to look at Lorenzo giving him a reassuring smile.

-Grazie, ti scrivo quando finiamo (thanks, I'll write to you when we're done)- he gave her a pat on the head like he always did when they were children.
He knew it annoyed her but it also her reassured her, it made Iris believe that no matter what happened, she'd still have the people she loved.

Lorenzo got into his car and Iris turned to look at Timothee, he smiled and offered her his hand which she took gladly.

-I though you had two brothers- he said, Iris replied with:

-I do, Lorenzo is a family friend, I asked him to drive me here- Timothee nodded his head in understanding and held the door for Iris as she was entering the office.

They got to the elevator and as they were waiting for it Iris felt more confident, she had to trust herself and believe in her abilities.


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