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FaceTime with Timmy 🤍:

FaceTime with Timmy 🤍:

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You: Hello sir

Timmy: Hello madam, how can I help you?

You: So I was thinking...

Timmy: yes go on

You: what if we do something fun next week

Timmy: I'm listening

You: so we've done a lot of things these past few weeks, right?

Timmy: Yeah, we went camping, swimming, eating, a lot of eating.

You: exactly, so what if we just travel and go somewhere cute next week

Timmy: ok a vacation, where?

You: that's the thing, I don't know

Timmy: do you want to relax or explore?

You: both I guess

Timmy: ok, so we can to Europe

You: ok, but where?

Timmy: We could go to London

You: I like that, we'd have a week to just explore the city and then come back to LA

Timmy: London it is then

You: I'll ask someone to find nice hotels in central London

Timmy: perfect then

You: ok, I'll let you know when everything is set

Timmy: ok, talk to you soon love

You: byeeee.


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