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FaceTime Between You and "Iris 🌈" transcript:

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FaceTime Between You and "Iris 🌈" transcript:

You: hello? Iris?

Iris: Timmy!!! Hi, where are you?

You: I'm at in&out, what do you want me to get you?

Iris: can you get me a double double? And hot cocoa?

You: you want a burger with hot cocoa? Seriously?

Iris: of course, the best combo

You: that is fucking disgusting but I'll let it slide

Iris: I know you secretly love this combo too

You: never tried it, never will, I simply refuse

Iris: I'll make you try it, I'll ask politely

You: how is that supposed to work?

Iris: I know you'd do anything if I asked politely

You: well you're not wrong but don't tell anyone

Iris: ok, we have a free day tomorrow

You: I know, what do you wanna do?

Iris: I already know what we're going to do, but it's a surprise so I won't tell you just yet

You: is it the beach?

Iris: you must be fun at parties, why did u have to spoil my surprise?

You: you're predictable, and boring

Iris: excuse me? Take that shit back

You: I won't cause I said the truth

Iris: I'm hanging up now, bye

You: I'm not buying you a burger if u hang up

Iris: sei uno stronzo (you're a shithead/asshole)

You: what was that?

Iris: nothing, I'm not hanging up so can I get my burger?

You: I need to think about it

Iris: Timmy!

You: I was joking, just kidding, you know I realised you don't have a nickname?

Iris: I do, Rainbow, I told you about it

You: yeah but you need a Timmy nickname, a nickname only I can use

Iris: ok then, what is my Timmy nickname?

You: I'll come up with one, you just wait

Iris: I'm waiting, for my burger. hurry up

You: you're not getting it

Iris: I hate you

You: do you though?

Iris: yes yes I do

You: you know you don't, don't lie to yourself

Iris: I'm also mad at you

You: and why is that?

Iris: during our trip you said that when we got home you would ask me out formally, what happened to that?

You: you could've asked me out? Why is it the boy that has to make the first move?

Iris: BECAUSE the boy said I shouldn't ask him given that he wants to be the one to ask ME

You: ok ok I get it, that boy will soon ask you out madam

Iris: he better

You: I'm getting our food I'll be back soon ok?

Iris: ok, see you

End of Call
Length: 16:01 minutes

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