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Liked by @Tchalamet, @GioleMarini and 1.081.629 others
Alexa play Like I want You by Giveon 😌


@username: when she has good taste in music >>>

@username: the hair style omfg obsessed

@username: when are u gonna give us music???

@username: telepathy!! I was just listening to it

@username: ur so gorgeous omg

@username: what does the hoodie say?

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Timothee POV

She was beautiful.

So beautiful and perfect that Timothee sometimes wondered if she wasn't only a product of his imagination, someone he had imagined to fill the empty void in him.

But Iris was real, although too perfect to be real, and he was falling for her, slowly but surely.
He didn't know how to stop it, but he didn't want to either, it was something he hadn't felt in a long time and he had missed it.

They had started spending more time together, outside of the movie set, and had now developed a routine for themselves:

After working in the morning they would go on a walk around town before having lunch at a restaurant or fast food, mostly fast foods though, and would return to set to work again.
The afternoon would pass by with them seeing each other as they were shooting scenes and when the day was over they would have dinner in one of their trailers.

During their week off from work they decided to go on a trip and Timothee had loved it to say the least, it was just the two of them (and obviously Iris's dogs because she wouldn't go anywhere without them), for five days they went on hikes and talked all day long about anything they wanted to talk about, wether it be life, career, dreams and love.

He taught her how to hold a camera properly and how to try and take the best picture possible.
He adored the way she smiled when she was taking pictures of him, because it made Timothee believe that something between them was possible, and god knew there was nothing he wanted more than that, than her.

Weeks after the road trip things between then were still strictly amicable no matter how much he wished things were different, and that was the problem.
He wished he could tell her how he felt, but the truth was he was too shy to even utter those words, she was simply too good for him.


Obvious~ Timothée ChalametWhere stories live. Discover now