It was time to go back to work. Today Cassandra had a meeting with target. She's making a clothing line. She really wanted to be connected with her fans. Ever since she could remember, people kept asking where she gets her outfits from so seeing that people really liked her style she decided to make a clothing line.

Entering the building, Cassandra made her way to where the meeting was taking place. Room 208. Entering the room she saw many people already sitting down around the oval table.

"Alright Ms. Matthews we sent the pattern to the factory and they already made some protoypes" Myles said

No one knows this but Myles is the one of the many bosses of target. Some people think he's just a manager but he's way bigger than that. He's the one that offered Cassandra target to make and sell her clothing line.

After signing a contract they went to work. Cassandra picked patterns, colors and the models. Seeing the finished project on the computer was unbelievable. She couldn't wait until her fans saw her line. She knows that they'll love it. On Instagram she gives her fans slight glimpses of her line. According to their comments they couldn't wait to see it all.

But back to business.

"Alright can I see them?" Cassandra asked

"Of course, there's a rack of them over there" Myles said

Getting up from her seat, Cassandra made her way the rack. The clothes were wonderful but there's only one problem the sizes.

"Where are the plus size clothes?" Cassandra asked

"Plus size?" Myles asked

"Yes. I asked for plus size clothes" Cassandra said

"We'll get to that right away" Myles said

"Good. I'm not releasing my clothing line without the proper sizes" Cassandra said

With that said an hour later the meeting was over. Cassandra made her way to her car and made her way home.

Unlocking the door, Cassandra carried a bouquet of roses inside with her.
She was surprised to see the roses on her welcome mat. Putting the the bouquet of the coffee table, Cassandra couldn't help but smell them. They smelled divine.

Looking at the flowers she noticed a little note placed in between two roses. Picking it up she noticed that it was from Dominic.

Why was he sending her flowers? Cassandra thought that they were just going to be friends. He wasn't flirting with her. Well that's what Cassandra thinks. She's never one to know things when it comes to love. That wasn't a subject she was an expert at.

But none the less the gesture was nice. She loved roses. They were her favorite. But she couldn't help but feel special. This is her first time receiving flowers from a guy other than her dad. She has to call Dominic later as a thank you.

But first she has to take a shower. After he shower, she puts on her pajamas and called Dominic. After two rings he picked up.

D= Dominic

D: hello

C: hello Dominic, thank you for the flowers

D: no problem anything for a beautiful lady like yourself

C: you think I'm beautiful?

D: I think your very beautiful

C: thank you

D: so?

C: so?

D: what are you doing?

C: nothing just relaxing, you?

D: nothing, Cassandra?

C: yes?

D: are you doing anything this Saturday night?

C: no why?

D: would you like to have dinner with me?

C: yes!

D: great I'll pick you up at 7

C: alright

D: see you Saturday

C: bye

D: bye

Cassandra: The Pop StarWhere stories live. Discover now