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"And that's a wrap everybody nice work!"

Relaxing her muscles Cassandra made her way to her dressing room so she could drink some water from her water bottle.

At the moment Cassandra just finished her photo shoot for Vogue. After this she was scheduled to go to a Movie Premiere later today.

Wanting to feel more relaxed Cassandra changed to more of a comfortable attire. Grabbing her purse, Cassandra & her team made their way back to the studio.

In the studio Cassandra was recording a new single that she recently started to write just a few days ago. Before she even records Cassandra always do voice warm ups.

"You're ready?"


Putting her headphones on Cassandra started to sing.

{Song:Unconditionally, by Katy Perry}

"Oh no, did I get too close?

Oh, did I almost see what's on the inside?

All your insecurities, all the dirty laundry

Never made me blink one time

Unconditional, Unconditionally

I will love you unconditionally

There is no fear now

Let go just be free

I will love you unconditionally...."

Cassandra exited the recording booth and did some editing in some of the verses. You see Cassandra was a perfectionist. Everything she does should be as close to perfect as possible. Cassandra is also a clean freak. When she's nervous she cleans. When she has anxiety she cleans. When she's happy she cleans. Her house is as perfect as she is. No dust mites in sight.

Well correction houses. She has more than 1 house.

Before Cassandra even signed to a record label, she used to work at a little café. But deep inside she had a voice. A voice that couldn't be hidden from the world. A voice that she inherited from her mother.

Cassandra's parents, Mr & Mrs Matthews were once a happy couple. But at the age of 16, Cassandra's parents had a divorce. They weren't happy being together anymore. The divorce was expected. Mr. & Mrs Matthews didn't know this but every night Cassandra would listen to her parents arguing about their relationship. After their divorce Cassandra's dad moved and went to buy his own house.

Both of her parents agreed to co-parenting. Every weekend Cassandra would go to her fathers house to catch up with him. But on the weekdays she stayed with her mom. Skip ahead 4 years later, Cassandra father introduced his new girlfriend. She was a really nice woman. Her names Catherine. She's short with very long curly hair. Cassandra's mom didn't have a problem with her and she didn't either. Then Catherine and her dad got married.

Their honeymoon was in Hawaii. In the marriage Cassandra gained a sister. An older sister, Jasmine. Jasmine now is 23 years old and she's a fashionista. She's a model.

But back to Cassandra. At the moment she was getting ready for the movie premiere. Cassandra's stylist gave her a beautiful red velvet dress. Her hair was curled to a perfection and her accessories were both expensive and beautiful. With the dress, Cassandra decided to wear simple black pumps.

Looking at a full body mirror, Cassandra was pleased with the look. With her phone in hand, Cassandra made her way outside waiting for her ride.

Getting in the limo, Cassandra made her way to the movie premiere.

Cassandra: The Pop StarWhere stories live. Discover now