Chapter 20

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Talya's P.O.V

.* Hi, Remember today is when I'll be taking you out. Umm... meet me outside your hotel at 5:30. Dress prettily. See you soon*  I wake up to Arianna's phone shining a hole in my face and I manage to read and my eyes widen as soon as I finish reading.

" Oh my gosh!" the only words I can manage to say.

" Oh my GOD!" Arianna agrees with my words

" Oh my gosh!" I repeat again and I'm wondering what the hell I'm saying.

" Oh-" Arianna begins to say

"If someone says Oh my gosh again I swear it wont be pretty" the obviously annoyed Kianna warns while rubbing her eyes. We waked her with our fan girling.

"Be-an-heyo" I apologize for waking her and she rolls her eyes

" What's all the comotion for?" She asks and as soon as she asks she soon as a phone directly in her face. She pushes the phone back so she can actually see what to read.

" What's this?"  she asks but her face expression shows that she's found the answer. "wow, so you guys are actually going out?" she asks not as enthuised as us, but she doesn't really sound grougeful.

" yeah I guess so" Ari answers but clearly not as excited as before.

" What's wrong with your voice?" I ask. If I know Arianna she'd be running all around the place by now. " Are you having second thoughts?"

" No ofcourse not, but... But I still can bearly process what's actually happening. I still can't believe I'm in Korea much less I'm going on a date with 'The' Luhan. I'm living the dream of a K pop fangirl. I must be the luckiest girl alive!" She thoroughly answers and I understand her. She's no doubt one of the biggest Kpop fangirls out there and I can just imagine how she feels now. She has gone through so much and she deserves everything she gets.

" You deserve it" I move over to her and squeeze her and she smiles and I can see tears in her eyes and I'm not going to make a fuss over it.

" Pabo sonyeo! (stupid girl) Youre gonna make me cry!" Kianna jokes and wipe her fake tears and we all laugh.


Arianna's P.O.V.

*5:20 *

"How do I look?" I ask both Tally and Kianna

" Simply amazing" Talya responds and I smile with shaking hands. I'm nervous as hell!

" You look beautiful" Kianna walks towards me and hold my hands to prevent them from shaking.

" Thanks guys" I answer with few words, I've never been this nervous in my life.

" Don't be nervous, I bet Luhan's hands right now is so sweaty!" Kianna trys to make me feel better and I do. 

" He'll probably die of heart attack when he sees you!" Talya jokes and all three of us laugh.

" He'll be like - Dayum Girl!" Kianna over exaggerates but we laugh more.

" We're just joking, but I'm sure he wont have any regrets after he sees you. You really look beautiful"

" Oh my gosh! stop it! My cheeks are probably deep red!"  I say feeling more embarassed than nervous. Thanks to them.

" Ari I'm pretty sure Luhan's been waiting since 5:00 so you better get going!" 

" He said 5:30 not 5:00. I bet he's not even here yet" 

" Pabo! You really don't know anything about boys, do you?" Kianna scuffs

" Whatever! I'll be going now" I take a deep breath and convince my feet to move and I wave goodbye to the girls.

On my way to the entrance there's literally a million and one things running through my mind right now. What the hell am I actually doing? What am I going to do when I meet him? What will I say to him on our date? I tend to talk alot when I'm nervous. I get taken away from my thoughts when i see Luhan's back turnt to the entrance gate kneeling down with something looking like a bouquet of roses in his hand and I smile at his cute gesture and I can't help but think Kianna was right.

" Umm... Luhan?" I try to get his attention and he quickly responds by turning his head still kneeling but ends up falling when he sees me.

" Are you okay?" I quickly rush over to him to help him up but still cant help but giggle under my breath at his silliness

" Yeah" he says sounding embarrassed while brushing of his bum and I really can't stop laughing, but I clearly don't allow him to see. "You never fail to wow me,you look beautiful",he compliments and I can't help but cover my face with my palms clearly extremly embarrassed.

" Don't cover that pretty face, if you do I'm gonna blush" he cups my hands with his to pull my palms off my face and I feel a rush go through my body when I feel his soft fingers touch my hands. He removes my hands  from my face but doesnt release my left hand but continues to hold it and I just feel like to scream!

" Let's go, if I stand any longer my feet will give way from all of it's shaking, I've never been this nervous since forever!" he boldly admits and leads me to his car. " Today will be awesome, trust me..."


How my god! The first date! Trust me when I say you'll enjoy the next chapter! Please continue to read,vote and comment.

I'm falling back on votes and comments, please, please, please, Jeybalyo!" Comment and Vote as much as possible!

 See you tomorrowILY!



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