Chapter 13

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Talya's P.O.V.

* Good Morning! Remember to come watch us practice at our practice room! We start practising at 8 but you guys can come at 12.I can't wait to see you!* I wake up to see a text from Tao and I can't help but to smile.

* Good Morning, we'll be there soon* I simply reply.

" Who are you texting so early in the morning!" inquisitive Kianna asks. Just as I was going to reply to her I see Arianna storming in the room.

" Look at Tao's update on instagram!" She shouts and I'm not even surprised she followed him on instagram

" What!" Kianna asks just as excited as Arianna. seems as if she has a liking for them now.

Arianna hands me her phone and see a picture that i was not aware of. It was a picture of all us girls and the rest of the members turning the opposite direction of the camera that took us. I guess he wanted a picture of us admiring the view.

" I guess he took it while weren't aware" Kianna points out the abvious.

" It's beautiful" Arianna sings

It really is. With all of us admiring the view and the lights in the background.

"Anyways lets get ready!" Arianna screams and I think im about to go deaf of all her screaming.

I ignore her scream and answer " Child, we are suppose to be the by 12 and it's way too early anyways, it's 9:00"

" Nope, they start practicing at 8, so we need to leave now!" She demands and starts to pout so I give in.

" Okay but I'm not a morning person" I saw and they give me a funny look and laugh as if It's obvious.

"It's obvious" Kianna answers for me.

I make my way to the shower. I haven't washed my hair since I've been here! After my long relaxing shower I blow dry my hair a bit then drag my hair in a wild bun. I decided to wear a plain red blouse and a black sweat pants and my J's since they are practicing. When i finish with my look I guess I look okay, but it can be approved. I grab for Arianna's make up set and draw under my eye a dark line with her eyeliner and apply a small amount of concealer and blush. The finish look was good but not too much which was what i wanted.

" Wow!" I thought your look was a bit too home style when i saw what you were wearing but the make up you applied make you look so cute" Arianna smiles and gives me a thumbs up.

Arianna can comfortably say she doesn't look just cute. She pulls her hair in a long pony tail and she has on CUTE pink top and white shorts and a pink and white toms. She obviously has on Mascara and light eye liner. She pink her cheeks with blush and pink her lip with a glossy lip gloss. I guess she doesn't realize that we are going to a practice room and all the boys are going to be all sweaty.

''Aww she looks so adorable" Kianna tease knowing that she's over dresses. She's wearing a black shorts and black half top blouse. With her signature a thick black line around her eyes.

" You look great Kianna" I say sincerely with a wink.

" Thanks. you too but really i think we are the only ones dressed for the occasion" Kianna laughs and I laugh but Arianna role her eyes.

" Whatever! It's not my fault that im a fashionista!" She 'MODESTLY' says and we can't stop laughing.

" I think it's time to go!" Kianna blurts out and we all eye her.

" You are in quite a hurry" I smile.

" I just don't want us to be late" She says obviously lying and I raise my eyebrow at her.

" I guess you enjoyed the ride with the pretty boy" I say, not remembering the boy's name.

" Yeah! You were riding with Kai!" Arianna says reminding me of the 'pretty boy's' name. Kianna didn't bother to answer she just blushed and giggled.


" You guys are earlier than expected!" Jubliee says when she see us making our way in the practice room. We were accompanied by the front desk lady to reach up here. Jubilee hugs us and grabs both me and Arianna's arm to the boys and Kianna follows.

" Talya!" Tao shouts and picks me up and twirls me around like a little girl. He's stronger than I thought.

" Why are you lifting her. I bet she's heavy" Chen the troll says and as soon as he finished his sentence Suho slapped him in his head and made his way over to us.

" I thought you guys were coming at 12" he asks and I get lost in his smell. He smells like a mixture of strong sexy cologne with a hint of sweat. Must admit his sweat smells great!

" Um- Y- yeah. Arianna wanted to come earlier" I stutter still mesmerized my his scent. He smiles at me in response, probably wondering why I'm stuttering.

I step back a bit, I'm not risking what I'll do if I absorb his sweet scent anymore.

" Guys! Break time is up!" I hear a deep-ish voice say that I'm well aware of.


"Taemin!" Arianna shouts and now she realizes why I stopped in my path. She runs towards him and I swear she jumped on him!

" Arianna!" I shout, kinda identical to how she just shouted at Taemin but of course she is alot more pitchyer! I ran toward her and literally pull her off Taemin! It's a good thing Kianna and I are not fan girls because he would have to be fighting off three crazy girls!

" I'm sorry! Sorry!" I apologize like I was the one that attacked him, while I bow. He gives me a warm sincere smile.

" It's okay! I'm used to it!" He says and the boys laugh except for Luhan, probably still processing what just took place.

" Are you guys friends of the boys?" he asks with his pretty smile. I just love his face. I'm swear he's prettier than me.

" -Um.." I stutter

" They are" Kai answers with a smile and throws his arm around Taemin! They actually look alike. I bet Kianna an't stop smiling.



Sorry for late update!!! I'll update more frequently! Please continue to read, share, vote and comment!

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