Chapter 11

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Talya's P.O.V

We catch up with the rest of the gang and I can see the bicycles from here and I begin to fidget.

" Don't worry I'll figure something out" Kianna tries to cheer me up

" OK" I respond but my emotions says otherwise.

" So are you guys ready!" chanyeol practically shout

" Yeah!" luhan and the cute chubby cheeck one says and they make me giggle but I'm still far from Okay

" Umm... Can we like pair up?" Arianna asks and I know the reason she asked, but now they'll think it's because she wants to ride with Luhan

" It's okay" I whisper in her hear but she shakes it off.

" Well... If you want to ride with Luhan, you can but we'll like to ride solo" Baekhyun laughs and I feel sorry for her but she gives an uncomfortable fake smile.

" I'm sure Talya wants to ride with D.O" Kianna says and i want to kill her, why couldn't I RIDE WITH HER!?

" What?" D.O and I say at once

" Yeah that could work" Chanyeol says excited. Oh boy.

" What about all the girls ride with a boy" Suho suggests and I know he's trying to lighten the mood and I could hug him for that but I'm still extremly embarrassed.

" Oh so, Tao will ride with Kris?" Baekhyun jokes and we all laugh except for Tao ofcourse he's rather embarrased than ammused

" Ya! Ya! You guys find that funny! Should I remind you that i do taekwondo! " Tao says and we all laugh again but he shows he's serious by doing a jackie chan flip in the air, which made me laugh even more but the others was quite fascinated and clapped when he was through with his 'performance'

" haha, but seriously guys, who will the other girls travel with?" Kris asks

" How about Jubilee and Sehun and ermm.. Kianna and Kai" Luhan suggests

" Why Kai and Kianna?" the inquisitive Chen asks

" I dont know? they're names both begin with the letter 'K' in English. Luhan responds and we all laugh.

The boys raced to the bikes. I walked extremly slow knowing I was going to ride with D.O

I walked up a bit when I see Chen stairing at me, I tried my best to avoid eye contact.

" Ermm. are you okay, your face looks a bit pale?" D.O asks

" I'm fine and is that even possible?" I asks with a smile and he smiles back but doesn't answer the question, clearly embarrased.

" After you, my lady" he says in English while directing to the blue bicycle and I can't help but blush

" Thank you" I respond in English and sit on of the back of the bicycle. He then gets on the seat and I can feel my cheecks getting red. He then begins to ride and I quickle grab onto him preventing myself to fall and he stops the bicycle.

" You have to hold on okay?" he asks and I nod and place my hands on his shoulders.

" Here" he says again while cupping my hands with his and placing them around his stomach and I know my face is deep red. He begins to paddle again and I start to think today is the best day of my life

" Are you okay?" He asks

" Yeah" I whisper but ensure he hears

" You know you can lean on my back" he says and i can feel the tension in the air again

" huh?" I mummble

" Your arms will hurt hurt after awhile if you posture your self like that, so it's best if you lean on my back" he says and I can't even speak so I just shake my head although I now he can't see me,then I sowly lean o his back.

" Your back is warm" I say gradually after i built up confidence.

" What do you mean by that?" he asks and I just smile and hold him tighter?

He continues to paddle and I continue to fantasize, but i was interpted from my thoughts when D.O suddenly stopped.

" You guys are a cute couple" I hear a familar voice say and I quickly unrap my arms to see Chen on his bicycle infront of ours

" Why are you annoying me today Chen?" D.O asks the abnoxious boy, the rest of the gang ride back together.

" I think its time to leave, it's getting really dark and we need to see the Namsan towers!" Suho says.

" Okay" we all say, but me more disappointed to leave. I was really enjoying the ride

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