Chapter 10

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Talya's P.O.V

So I'm sitting here drinking this hot coffee with the cheese cake that i ordered a few minutes ago TRYING TO BECOME AS CALM AS POSSIBLE. But it's extremly hard to because of having Chen the "troll" grinning at me for the past 5 minutes and D.O and Lay fidgiting in their seat like they are in trouble.

" So- how have you been enjoying your day so far, Talya?" Lay says trying to break the awkward silence.

" Well it's okay. I loved the view of Han River!" I say meaning what i said.

" Thats go-" Lay try to say but gets interupted by Chen

" Really? Wasn't i unbearable?" he asks and I'm sure the only reason why I havn't punched him in the face yet is because I'm trying to seem as feminine as possible being that I'm a tom boy.

I shake my heading implying no but i really wanted to tell him off knowing that my response is the total opposite of how i really feel.

" Oh! wow! I even thought I was being a bit too mean,but it seems your a tough girl. I really need to start playing my A game" he says and I'm starting to regret my response.

" Shout up" D.O says " You're starting to act malicious"

" Why thank you again Kyungsoo, for pointing out the abvious" Chen says again. D.O roll his eyes and becomes tense when he sees Lay scooting over next me.

" Don't worry, he's like this with everyone" Lay whispers to me and I give him a smile, thanking him making D.O and Chen even more tense. I can actually feel the tenseness in the air.

" So where are you guys from?" I say trying to get them less tense

" Well I'm from Changsha in China and D.O and Chen is from here Seoul, Korea" Lay informs with a huge smile on his face.

" Oh. So I'm guessing you guys know alot about each other" I ask, regretting it after I realize that it was a stupid question.

" Obviously" the trollls says and I roll my eyes but not allowing him to see.

" Yeah" Lay answers my question with a smile and I feel better. " Do you have anymore question to ask?"

" Erm.. Well.. umm.. Do you guys have special roles in the group?" I ask trying my best to have a perfect question. They realize how hard I was trying and they all laugh leaving me embarrased.

" Yeah" D.O answers and goose pimples runs through my body again when i hear is unexpected voice " I'm main vocalist, Lay is main main dancer for EXO-M and also a vocalist and the troll Chen is also main vocalist, but mostly for EXO-M" after finishing his statement Chen smiles then slaps D.O, which makes me smile. They are really playful.

" So what special talents do you have?" Chen asks with his devious grin and sink in my seat. AGAIN.

" I have none" I fib.

" Really?" Chen asks sarcastically " I nod in response

" Oh come on! No talents? You must have atleast one! Even if it is something embarrasing like farting, sneezing and burping at once" Chen embarrases me but i giggle a little at his joke

" Nope" I fib again

" I don't believe that" D.O says and i want to confess!

" Well,I dance a bit and I rap and sing a little too" I answer D.O.

" Oh we have a little Lay in the making" Chen says and i shake my head and wave my arms implying no.

" And a Kris" D.O helps him.

" Okay, let us hear something or if you rather to dance" Chen says and i almost stop breathing.

" NO! no, no,no"I say as quickly as possible.

" Why not?" he says again with a evil grin. I fidget but don't answer. I've never actually "performed" infront of anyone before except Ariana and Kianna.

" Leave her lone, she doesn't want to" Lay defends

" Okay, Okay but bear in mind that YOU ARE going to perform for us" he says and I start to worry about what he has in store.

" Don't listen to him, although it would be nice to see you perform" D.O says and i feel like I've done something terribly wrong. But anyway I'm too shy to perform.

We finish our coffees and cakes and meet them rest of the crew outside.

" So are you guys ready?" Jubilee asks and we all nod and say yes

" It's been long enough. I really want to ride those bikes when we are in the park" Chanyeol says and i immediatly start to worry

" Bikes? As in bicycles?" I asks nervously

" Yeah, there bikes there for us to ride wile looking at the scenry" Chanyeol answers my question

" Oh" I say and my heart start racing. I can't ride bicyles! The last i rode one. I fell off and broke my arm back in elementry school.

" Okay! So lets go!" Jubilee says and she and all the boys walk off with her.

" Are you okay?" Kianna asks

" Yeah" I fib

" Are you sure?" Arianna asks

" yeah..." i lie again but the look they give me tell me that they know I'm lying" No.. I can't ride"

" What?" Kianna asks

" I can't ride bicycles!" I say again

" Then why didn't you say something?" Arianna asks

-" Because I didn't want to spoil it for the boys and you guys" I answer

" What are you going to do then? Kianna asks and I shrug in response and sigh.

This is going to be the laugh of the day. Aish!


How was it? I personally liked this chapter because she's getting to know the boys. I'm sure you'll like the next chapter! I'll probably update two chapters tomorrow.

Oh and thank you so much hunniehannie98 for all your support! ILY!

ILY all! Don't forget to comment and like!

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