Chapter 14

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Talya P.O.V


" So are you guys gonna join us or are you guys just views?" Taemin asks expecting a answer right away but im mesmerized by his beautiful face. I cant stop staring. I guess by now everyone's  waiting for me to answer him because I have about 14 pair of  eyes staring into my soul. Ari gives me a little push to get me back to earth.

" Umm, Y- yeah, we'll just sit for a while" I stumble on my words.

"Okay" he flashes his pearly whites " Get back to practice boys!" he demands while clapping his hands at the boys.

" Wait! Remember the boys  have to practice at different areas!" Jubilee shouts at them.

" Oh i forgot that today they practice in different rooms depending on their main position" Taemin says looking embarrassed, with his cheeks flushed red like he has a crush on Jubilee. If he actually does I don't wrong him, after all she's so beautiful.

" Anyways! Who's practicing in dance room today?" Sehun hurriedly says turning the attention off Taemin, sounding annoyed. I think I feel A LOVE TRIANGLE coming around.

" Sehun you'll practice with Kai in the dance room, Kris, Xiumin and Tao you guys go in room 2 to practice rapping, Chanyeol and Lay in room 3 - guitar and Luhan, D.O, Baekhyun, Chen and Suho, room 4- Vocal training!" She informs reading from a paper. She's Iranian but her Korean is perfect!

" Where are we to go?" Kianna asks while the boys depart to their respective areas.

" Well you guys.. Umm" She tries to answers " I guess you  guys can do whatever"

" Oh I know! we can spend 15 minutes in each practice areas!" Ari gives a good idea with a huge smile on her face.

" Yeah! by then they should come back together and practice their dance routines" Jubilee agrees. We decide to watch the Taemin, Sehun and Kai first since we are already in the room that they are practicing in.

" Okay!  So we'll start with this move! And five, six, seven, eight!" Taemin directs while Sehun and Kai repeat their dance moves. After repeating a few times I get the jiffy the moves and  cant my self to repeat it with them, but  I keep my self unnoticed by them. Arianna and Kianna also starts to participate but I can't say they're one the best dancers. They soon get caught up in the moment and not even realize the boys and I staring at them and trying our best to hold back our laughter, but Taemin fails terribly at that bursting out with intense laughter and we all laugh along except for the victims whose cheeks were flushed red by this time.

" Ya! Ya! This isn't funny!" Arianna confidently says. Kianna is more of the brave one but she is a fan of Shinee and THE Taemin is standing before her plus I think she has a slight crush on Kai. Well I'm not entirely sure.

" Sorry! Sorry!" Taemin answers in English and makes us blush. Well obviously us girls.

"I think you girls are great dancers!" Sehun jokingly says

" Whatever!" Kianna answers

" But really, I know you didn't know I was looking, but you have talent" Taemin says looking directly at me but yet still 'm wondering who's he talking to. I bring my index finger to my chest and point at myself.

" Me?" I ask him, already knowing the answer.

He flashes his perfect smile and says, " You know I'm talking to you!"

" oh-no, I was just..." I begin to say but gets cut off by an awful alarm like sound.

" Sorry that's my phone, I set a alarm for every fifteen minutes" Ari says while  searching for her phone in her bag to turn off that awful sound.

" Why did you set your alarm for every fifteen minutes?" Kai asks

" We decided to visit each group today" Arianna barely explains.

" As in group you mean the rest of the boys" Taemin asks

" Yeah, we are going to each of them every fifteen minutes and we are late for the next practice room, so we'll see you guys later!" I say and grab Ari and Kianna. Arianna pulls out of my arm and makes her way back to Taemin and raps her arms around him.

" Bye, Taemin. I had fun" She says and I can't help but giggle at her silly gesture.

" Silly you'll see me later" Taemin answers and pinches her chin and her cheeks turn deep red. She's the total fan girl

I wait on her to come over us to us so we can leave together but before she makes her way over, she slaps Sehun and Kai and runs for the exit while shouting, " See you later oppas" and they laugh.

" Yehet!" Sehun shouts after her with a huge smile on his face and she stops in her path then stares at Sehun for second or two.

"Did Sehun just say Yehet to me?" she says sounding astonished then starts jumping up and down and running about the place.  We all stare at her like lunatic, she then realizes and stops and runs out the room. We all break the awkward silence by laughing.

" Aww, she just fangirled" Taemin teases.

" Anyways bye, again" I say while still laughing a bit. They wave goodbye while we depart and Kianna stops in her path. Oh No. As soon as I thought she was going to fan girl like Ari, she turns around and faces the boys and eyes both Taemin and Kai then simply waves goodbye.


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