The Meeting

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Sorry the sun came up

Sorry the second verse

Just wasn't as sweet as the first

Sorry the sky fell down

Sorry  I don't know why

All  I can do is to say goodbye


November 1, 1981

The Order of Phoenix Headquarters

The members of the Order kept swarming in through the as soon as they received the message for the meeting. The table was full of people with teary eyes and curious expressions. They did not know how exactly it had happened but they definitely knew one thing.

This was the end of an era.

The end of the era of the Dark Lord.Lord Voldemort. The greatest and the most powerful dark wizard of all time.

They not only had lost their comrades, family, and friends in this war but also the time they lost in his reign had left scars on their not only their body but also their hearts.

The clock ticked 11 when the fireplace burst green and Albus Dumbledore showed up.

He looked tired to get off his feet. He sank in the Head Chair and gulped a goblet of water, cleared his throat, and looked around the room. Everyone was looking at him with anxious eyes.

Dedalus Diggle and Sturgis Podmore were fidgeting their fingers. Remus sat in a chair with his head in his hands, tears still kept trickling out of his eyes over the loss he has suffered. Molly Weasley was silently crying over the shoulder of her husband. Elphias and Aberforth were sitting next to each other waiting for knowing how exactly it happened. Emmeline and Arabella eyeing Hagrid who just entered the room with loudly blasting the door.

"Voldemort has been finally defeated after 11 years," Alastor Moody said finally breaking the ice.

"Yes, Alastor. We can say that for now." Dumbledore said

"Is it true? About James and Lily....." Remus asked in a broken and heavy voice. He although knew the truth. He hoped for it to be somehow proven wrong. He desperately wanted to meet his friends. He wanted his friends to appear in front of him. But that was impossible.


That broke his heart even more. Remorse hit his gloomy eyes. He mourned for his family. The one which he lost that night. His family.

Silence filled the room and Dumbledore continued.

"Sirius was the secret keeper. He gave them out to Voldemort. James and Lily were killed. Harry survived. And Voldemort's lost last night at Godric's Hollow.

He cast a killing curse on Harry. But it did not bind on him."

"How is that possible" Mundungus blurted in a shocked tone.

"How that happened though, I am afraid no one knows. The ones who can tell us are not between us now. And Harry well he's too young to even say or remember at the moment"

"Where is he now? Can I ...." Remus asked.

" I am afraid the answer is no Remus." Cutting him off.
"He is safe now. Away from the prying eyes of people, he is where Lily wanted him to be. She had made sure that he would be sent there "

Remus kept quivering and shaking
"I...I knew Sirius would do this. I told Prongs. But...But he won't ...listen"
His hands kept trembling. As he calmed himself.

Moody cleared his throat and spoke in his growling voice. His voice practically dripping with rage:

"Dearborn's group never showed up yesterday at the safe house in Toyohashi. The Minister of Magic of Japan informed Crouch. The Auror Office was told to trace the path. We traced their path with other Aurors...Dorcas Meadows' body was recovered and Benny Fenwick's ....well it was blasted into pieces by them. No traces of Dearborn were found."

Finally, Augusta spoke, the tint of sadness was evident in her voice. 
" What about Calla? Weren't they supposed to move her? "

" She disappeared"

" What do you mean disappeared, Alastor?" Molly Weasley finally asked, her to face losing all the color. Her knuckles becoming white.

" All the Aurors sent with her for the journey to the port have disappeared. No traces of any life were found. It's like the attacker just disappeared in thin air. " Moody explained stomping his wooden lep to the floor.

Suddenly the room went deadly silent. If one could properly listen, they would hear people's hearts beating like crazy.

Finally, Dumbledore spoke, "My guess,  She is taken away. I don't think they will kill her. The search is going on but at the moment to no avail."

Fortescue's portrait hanging on the wall spoke then:
" You shouldn't have separated them Dumbledore. Even if it was dangerous"

"No Dexter, It was essential to do that.
But now I think we will just have to wait for her to show up. "

"That could take years. And she's just a child. How can she even...."  Molly said worriedly.

" That is why we would have to wait. There is no option. This was meant to happen. Isn't that what we feared? Her disappearance confirms our suspicions about the curse. Things are a lot clearer now. We will have to wait for her return from shadows. And of course, the ministry will keep looking for her. That is all in our ....."

The fireplace lit up with big dazzling green flames and two people were thrown out from it. Rabastan and Rodolphus Lestrange's face disappearing from the fireplace at once.

People gasped and stood horrified facing what seemed to be the bleeding bodies of Frank and Alice Longbottom. The broken and bloody mini emblem of Caractacus which Caradoc Dearborn carried with him lay near the fireplace.

Sharp cuts were marked all over their body still bleeding. Their bodies were twitching and trembling. Tear marks stained Alice's cheeks, her hands in tremor and eyes stared unblinking into infinity. The glint of life fading from her eyes.

Frank was in no good condition. He just lay there his body numb and pale eyes refusing to show any emotions. His body and clothes soaking with blood were just showing shreds of evidence of the excruciating pain and torture he went through.

Augusta staggered forward towards her son and daughter-in-law. Her hands were trembling as she held their numb and cold hands. At that moment she knew things were not going to be the same ever again.


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