The Gate of Ilvermorny

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The chapter is  dedicated to my first reader KayaLaura

Thank you for inspiring me to continue this.


Fought my fears

Oh I fought back tears

All I could see now

Are the scars in mirrors


As Azazel dragged her luggage towards the gates of the manor she could feel the pull of the gate towards her. Like it was calling for her like it was an impassive voice. But they were just vibrations. She stood in front of the gate with her luggage. She remembered his words, he said that he would come to see her someday. 

Did she fear him?

No. She didn't. For she felt that fear can keep her safe, but the caution is capable of killing off all the parts of hers that feel most alive. She loved her life. She felt great to feel alive. She could not allow him to do that to her. So, she fought. She fought for her life, for a normal day in her life. All she got were a few of those peaceful mornings.

She sighed. The vibrations were growing louder and space seemed to be fluctuating in front of her. She pulled open the gates of the manor and allowed those fluctuations to engulf her in themselves.  

As she did so she could feel the cool breeze hitting her with speed. The breeze was very cold and bone-chilling. She could the fog in distance as the fluctuations around her seemed to slow down and then they finally stopped. She heard the screech of the thunderbird. The symbol of the end of the journey. And she walked forward, leaving the luggage in the fluctuations.

As she stepped out of the gate. The cold sea breeze was hitting her face. Her feet sinking into the sand as she worked harder to propel herself forward for the next step. The soft sand was still unstable, due to the fluctuations. She could see other students walking out of the fluctuations. Everyone was walking towards the gate on the seawater.
She walked towards the gate as well. She walked towards her new life. She did not know where destiny would take her. But he was excited to discover and delighted to be a real 11-year-old.

The gate stood alone in the middle of the sea, looking dominantly down at the bed of seawater.

"First years"
"In a queue now, if you please"
"Now, move towards the stands if you will...come on move fast. The sorting ceremony will begin momentarily. "

A bulky wizard in navy blue robes with a yellow crest pinned on his chest said in a loud but arrogant and commanding tone after he opened the gates of Ilvermorny.

He was looking around at the passing crowds and instructing students and checking them after he handled the identity tokens to them as they passed him.

"Azazel Amy Riddle," Azazel told him her turn was up in line.

"Oh! Coming straight from the Gaunt House I consider!" He said in a low undertone.
" Yes." She confirmed.
" Welcome home." He said welcoming her instill an undertone.
" Thank you" She calmly thanked him masking her surprise.

The man smirked at her. And continued his job, coughing and arrogantly continuing his job again.

" Now, this is the map of the castle for your reference, which you might as well find useful while searching your classrooms and a guide to Ilvermorny and  a few other things that you might find intriguing." He said as he handed her a parchment, a booklet, and a small bag.

She thanked him again, as she moved forward.
"Rather polite with you. Wasn't he?" A girl said, from behind her in her silvery voice.

Azazel looked at the girl wide-eyed. She has in her entire life never met another .... girl. 

Yeah! Well, they existed. But she never really had any girl in her life to speak with her in that much of polite manner. Her blond hair was swaying elegantly with the wind as her blue eyes shone with the midday sun. A smile gracing her lips as she spoke. She seemed like a pleasant person. But then again, she thought of Vinda Carrow. Oh, that woman also seemed as pleasant as this girl. But what did she turn out to be?

Azazel snapped out of her thoughts, as the girl placed her hand on her shoulder raising her eyebrows. Azazel looked at the girl again and spoke pleasantly hiding a smirk.

" Oh, I am sorry. I just zoned off." 

"No issues. It is okay...I guess." She frowned and said.

 The girl was eying her with blinking eyes, waiting for some kind of response. But Azazel however internally panicked. She did not know how even she should reply to this girl. Being as she usually did? Or should she just play an ice-princess? She did not know.                                                  "Uhmm... Hi," Azazel spoke awkwardly trying the carry on the conversation.                                      

"Hi, I am Fiana." The girl introduced herself releasing her frown and smiled, dropping her family name.

" Hello! I am Azazel." She introduced herself, doing the same finally internally sighing. She thought at least she started somewhere.

"Peculiar name. Is it not? I am surprised your father named you that." She asked as she mused to herself. Azazel however slightly froze but quickly hiding it, she raised her eyebrows. But the girl just shrugged.

" I agree. It is. Interesting how more and more people in the wizarding world seem to know more non-Maj folk nowadays." Azazel added unsurely.

"Oh, yes. But I am sure there are less of those people in Britain than here in America." Fiana said. Thinking rather hastily she further added,
" Let's go to the stands in the entrance hall, I think the sorting ceremony will begin shortly,"          Fiana said dragging her towards the stands. They found the seats on the 7th row first 4 rows were kept empty. 

Azazel perked up thinking of the sorting ceremony. She was excited about that ceremony. She did not know where she will be put, but she hoped it would be a nice and good place where she could just be herself and could just have her peace peacefully.


A/n- Sorry for updating after a long while.  Actually, my adaptor of laptop broke down. Please look forward to the updates more. Leave comments and vote for the chapter if you like my efforts. Thank you.

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