The Last Order

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Those eyes are like diamonds

More beautiful than any other gem

Repeatedly mesmerized by you

Can't take my eyes off you, no more


November 2, 1981

The Gaunt Manor

Headquarters of International Death Eaters  Association

Louisiana, New York

     However gloomy 'The Gaunts Manor' may be, today it was fairly decorated and lively. But the occupants of the manor seemed to be sitting in the drawing-room rather dully, instead of the regular lively, cheery, and spirited atmosphere of the mansion. The silence was nerve-racking to some death eaters while to some of them it was a relief, for this is what looked like the end of the regime of The Dark Lord.

The inner circle sat in the room, the news of the death of their lord came just unexpectedly.  Bellatrix Lestrange was never the type of person who would ever learn to restrain or control her anger issues. That was what made her an outstanding Death Eater and the commander. Sitting on the right side of the central chair Bellatrix was constantly tapping the table with her long, bloody nails which told the story of the endless searches she carried out in the last few hours.

The serely dull silence however was interrupted by the cries of a child. At the end of the table, Bellatrix stood up abruptly, pointing her dragon heartstring wand at the baby, the baby she held responsible for the pilfering of The Dark Lord. Rage was all she felt towards this girl's brother, towards the girl. It was boiling up inside her. As she blinked, a sadistic glint rolled in her eyes. She cackled with laughter at her. However, Bellatrix's reckless, arrogant laughter quickly turned to rage as she cried:


She wanted nothing more than to just kill the filthy half-blood girl, but her dark lord has instructed them that the girl would be a dark witch. For thoroughly Dark ones are or would never be the Light wizards. 

"Cease the impudence, Bella"                                                                                                         

A cold voice rang in the room, sending shivers down her spine. He was the one she wanted more than anything right now. This was the voice she was longing to hear, the voice of the person that she was searching for. The voice of her lord. She visibly shivered. She ceased her activities and bowed her head down timidly. She greeted him.

"My Lord!" 

"My dear friends! This shall be the final meeting till the time is right. You shall not speak of this outside this territory. You know the consequences of betrayal." The voice spoke.

"I will return. The boy is mine. None shall try to take him. If anything, keep him safe. I shall kill him myself. The boy survives because of my mistakes severely rather than his powers."

"My Lord, what are your orders about the girl.", Dolohov asked.

"The girl!" The voice seemed happy. 

"Train her. That is my order for all of you. I,  myself will train her occasionally. Get Beauvais, have her make the darkest wand of all time by any means."

"She should see no light magic. For she will be the Darkest Wizard and then we will see how the curse comes true." The voice 

"My Lord, Please allow me to have this opportunity to raise her. I wish to serve you in this cause." Bellatrix timidly requested.

" As much as I appreciate your loyalty Bellatrix, I think otherwise. The girl shall be brought up by the Carrows. However, I allow you to enjoy yourself with her. " The voice chuckled.

"We will be honoured to serve you, My Lord. " Amycus Carrow spoke up delighted.

"But Amycus beware, she should not be appearing anyway in the public eye. Keep her away from Dumbledore.  Send her away. She should not be seen by any person who recognizes her. That is essential. I fear, she would turn out to look rather like her horrid mud-blood mother."

"Yes, Yes my lord."

"Now, My dear Friends, Leave and live your life, till next time. I shall remember the ones loyal to me. For loyalty is the only virtue I expect from you."


The silence reigned over the walls of the manor as it was left standing all alone in the middle of Louisiana. For it won't be harbouring its owner for a long time now. He wasn't there anymore.  The once bustling and lively as one would even say sadistic manor was now looking ghastly without him and his glory. And, She missed him, missed looking at him. And she wished for nothing but him but that was impossible. She knew it. As unbelievably sadistic as she was, the world considered her to have no heart. But she did. She had it. And it hurt. Hurt to not see him, hurt that situation turned out like that, hurt to see that what they had between them was nothing more than the feeble pulse of the master-servant relationship. But she wanted to give this pulse a chance. Chance to herself to be close to him, to be useful to him. For she knew, she could not have him for herself. He had greater goals. Greater ambitions. She was nothing without him. Nothing  She wanted to numb the hurt. And she knew where exactly to go.

Bellatrix Lestrange stood up from her chair. She didn't bother to change her all bloody robes or the fact that she looked like a bloodthirsty murderer. No offence but she exactly that.

She went and stood in the fireplace and steadied her breathing and threw the floor powder in the fireplace shouting clearly the place of the name she wanted to travel to.

"Ministry Of Magic, London."

 -                           ***

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