Beacause she lied (8)

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(A/n: Hey so I'm stitching the posting every day to every two days just cause I don't want to end up writing a chapter when I should be sleeping. (Like I'm doing now) )

Warning: strong language

Posted: 1/6/21

KNOCK KNOCK! What the hell. Someone was at door but the sun wasn't even out let. I roll out of bed. As my feet touch the floor the coldness flows up my body, making me realize how cold it was. I slowly open the door, the door creaking as I do. "Leah?!" "Y/n, what is your friend doing here at 1 am", Barron comments. "God damn, is that Barron?." "Ya why?", I say concerned. "Did you not just hear his sleepy voice?" "What's wrong with my voice?", he calls back still in his bed. "Anyway, I think the heater broke so I thought it would be a perfect time to go outside and play with the snow since it's snowing." "I want to come", Barron says. "Leah, do you know "how much we can get in trouble." "Come on, the teachers and staff don't wake up until 6:00. Also, I heard they sleep below the lobby. So they don't probably don't even know the heater broke." I stand by the doorway my head down. I mean yes we could get in big trouble but the worse that can happen that could is we get suspended but that just means I get to spend more time with Barron and in the future I can say I broke a rule on the second day of school. (One of the rules is to you can't leave your dorm until 7 am on a school day.) "Fine, I will come." "I knew you would. Now go put something warm on and I will wait for you out here." "Ok" I close the door then, relation hits me. I have always been known for being the sweet little innocent girl. If we get caught, I will be known as the trouble maker. You know what, fuck it. I don't care what people think of me. "Y/n, what are you doing just standing there." "Sorry, uh, I zoned out"

"Is everyone ready.", Leah says as we quickly but quietly walk down the stairs. "I mean it's a little late to ask that", I respond. "Well- your right." A couple of seconds later she says that we reach the first floor. On our right at the end hall was the exit. "Last one out has to lick an icicle", Leah challenged us. We all knew those things were probably had bird poop in it. We all speed-walked out. "Oh uh Barron you were the last out", Leah teases. "Fine" Barron snaps one off eats a little bit. Leah and I both stared at him, waiting for what he would say. "Hm, it's good" I fake throw up. "Oh you have to fucking kidding me", Leah says annoyed. "What it is?", I ask. "My dorm mate just texted me she needs me" I try to hide my smile since I knew was going just me and Barron. "That sucks", Barron says, still eating his icicle. "Well bye guys." She hugs me before she goes. "Well what do you want to do", he says rubbing his neck. "Well." I gather some snow. "Oh Really?" I then throw it at him. He then starts running. "Come back here" I yell chasing after him. After a few minutes of me running after him, he suddenly stops but I didn't have enough time to stop so I fell on top of him. I couldn't help but blush. Not only my cheeks were blushing, it also felt like my whole face was blushing. Now when I tell you I didn't think this would happen, I didn't. He cupped my face, pulled me in then kissed me. His hand were warmed my face, his lips were soft and the Butterflies in my stomach were going crazy. The kiss was gentle. I then pulled back. "I never told you, but I was falling for you.", I say. He smiles. "And I fell for you the second I saw you." I then kissed him back.

At about 5 am we decided to back to our dorm. Barron was now in the shower. When I getting my uniform ready, I saw someone texted me. Leah had texted me what looked like after she left. I sat on my bed to read it. It read, "Hey, by the way, I lied about my dorm mate needing my help. I said that so you would have some alone time with Barron outside your guy's dorm. ;)" I leaned my head back onto my head to hit the wall. I smiled to myself and thought, "what happened is because she lied."

(A/n: Ok I know things are going quick especially since you and Barron have only known each other for two days but I needed to spice the story up. (Not that spice) Anyway hope you guys liked this chapter. Wait a second. I just realized y/n kissed Barron back even though he had ate that icicle. Oh well.)

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