Y/N?! (9)

127 3 5

(A/N: None)

Posted: 1/18/21

"Ms. Y/L/N and Mr. Trump, both late, hm. Detention." It wasn't our fault we were late for math. When I looked at my watch it said it was 8:14 but apparently my watch broke. When looking at my phone to see who texted me it said, 8:34. First we're early, we're now late.
Great. We both sit down, Mr. Brown continuing his class. I have always loved math but Mr. Brown made me hate it. If he even hears a peep while he's teaching he will stop teaching and not continue until the person that was quote on quote, talking to admit they were and well he just gave Barron and I detention without at least asking why we were late. I would stand up for myself but it would just get me more in trouble.

"So James, what does x equal?" Mr. Brown had a very determined face he wouldn't know because he wasn't paying attention. I don't blame him. I haven't been paying too much attention either but I guess it looks like I am. "Um." he flicks the pages in his math book trying to find an answer. He had very pale skin and had strawberry blonde hair that went to his shoulders. He was also very scrawny. He's been zoned out during almost the whole class. I could tell he felt very pressured. "Uh, 32?" He had lips tight together hopping he was right. "WRONG! It's 67. Next time, pay ATTENTION!" James nods his head trying to hide his embarrassment. "So, would anyone like to tell me what 'w'equals" He circles the 'w' in the math problem. Maddie's hand shoots up. "Yes, Ms. Smith?", he smiles from delight. "I think we can all tell who's the teacher's pet", Barron whisper behind me. I let a quiet chuckle hoping Mr. brown wouldn't hear. "That's correct Ms. Smith!" He writes the answer below the 'w'. "Ok next problem." He erases all the work then put a new problem. "Ok now- RING! Mr. brown's face filled with anger. "We will continue this tomorrow" I'm surprised he didn't exploded while speaking. I pack up my math book and my notebook then put my bag around my shoulder. "Y/N I, have an idea" I jump slightly. "Barron, you scared me!" "Sorry." Anyway I was thinking- "thank you", I say to the person holding the door. "Go on" He looks around making sure no one could hear. "Why don't we skip class today" My eyes widen. 4th grade me would be made at mean who am friends with. "Barron, we both three more classes" "So, we can catch up. It's only the first week." I bite my lip trying to decide. I sigh "fine, only this time!" With what I said Barron grabs by my wrist and drags me out the exit door. "Barron what the hell are doing out here, it's freezing" "look, you see that building over there" Barron points at a small brown building not too far away from the school. I nod "that's a library." "Really?!" "Yup." This time I grab his wrist dragging him towards the library

While in the fantasy section Barron right next to me looking at books too, I decided to look at who check out the books. "Noway, this book was once checked out by my best friend!" "Well, he was my best friend until I moved." "So a 'him', ooooh." "Oh shush." I hit lightly. "Y/N!?"

(A/N: Sorry for the cliffhanger ;).)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2021 ⏰

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