What happened (6)

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(A/N: I'm trying to get back into the habit of writing a chapter every day. Even since I now go to school 5 days a week.)


I open my eyes to see it was 3:25 in the morning and I'm in my bed. The last thing I remember before passing out was Barron asking me if I was alright since I was just hit by a snowball. I sit upon my bed trying to remember anything else. Then I remember Barron carrying me to our dorm but at that point, I was super tired so I immediately fell to sleep. Even though it was only 3:26 am, I wasn't tired. So I just decided to get ready and hope Barron doesn't wake up. I carefully got out of my bed, trying to not make any noise. Then I got an outfit from my suitcase. As I was walking to the bathroom, I heard Barron's sleepy voice say something. "Y/n?" Dang it, I woke him up. "Oh hey, sorry I woke you up, I was just gonna get ready early". "Well, I guess I will too". "Oh, ok". Once I get to the bathroom and close the door, I realize how adorable his morning voice was.

Before I could put eyeliner on my other eye Barron knocks on the door. "Y/n?" I jump, making my eyeliner dropping on the floor. "Yeah?" "Oh I was just checking on you, you've been in there for a couple of hours." "Oh, ok."

"Barron?", I say nervous while putting on my shoes. Barron puts on his jacket then sits next to me on my bed. He looks at, trying to figure out why I was nervous. "What happened last night, why did a snowball knock me out, why was the snowball hard, and how did end up on my bed?" I was frustrated now and so confused. "Well, when you passed out I dropped to knees, not knowing what to do and worried. I look around trying to see if was any teachers were around to help you but I didn't see any adults, instead, I saw a smiling like a villain in a movie. I tried to not worry about her and worry about you getting help. That's when a saw a rock.  It was a pretty good size rock. I'm guessing that why the snowball knocked you out. After about 10 mins looking around to see if there were adults around but also still next to you, I decided to take you back to our dorm and hope you were going to be ok. I should've got up and looked for any adults but I was scared something was going to happen if I left you". Damn, I didn't know how much Barron cared about me. We have only known each for not even two days. "Barron" I tilt his up then to the left to look at me. I know what I was going to could have been a risk but I did anyway. I hugged him. "Thank you." He wraps his arms around my waist and rests his chin on top of my head. I could hear his heartbeat getting fast while my cheeks got red. Suddenly I remembered it was Monday and I should be wearing my uniform. "Shoot." I spring up and quickly get my uniform from my suitcase and sprint to the bathroom. "Y/n, what happened." "Barron, it's Monday, it's a school day." "Crap, you're right."

"Barron, would you mind getting my tie. I forgot to get out of my suitcase". There was no response. "Barron", I step out of the bathroom looking around our bedroom. Crash! Something that sounded like glass just broke from the kitchen. I rush to the kitchen to see a plate broken. "Barron, how did you end up doing this, I say giggling, helping him clean it up. "Well, while I making breakfast for us, I put a plate on the counter but I guess I put it too close to the edge." I chuckle.

Once throwing away the last piece of the plate I stand up to see on the clock it was 7:00, an hour on till school starts. "What were you making anyway." "Toast and eggs." "Well do you mind if I help you out?" "I don't mind." Barron stands up then smirks, looking down at me.

Eating breakfast was super awkward. We were both silent even though we both laughing while we made breakfast and every few minutes I would look at him then catch him looking at me. "You don't eat the crust?", he asks looking concerned at me. I shake my head, dabbing my napkin around my mouth. "Do you want it?" "Sure." I scotch the plate to him, standing up and looking the at time. 7:50. 7:50! "Barron we got to go". I run to the bedroom, get my tie, my bag, Barron's bag then grab Barron's wrist, almost making him drop two more plates.

(A/n: So sorry l don't update as much as I use to. The problem is I will make a new chapter the same day I post a chapter I have been working on, the new chapter I make takes about a week or so because I will start typing then I stop because I won't have any more ideas. Then during the day, I will think of ideas and that repeats on till I finish the chapter, so. Also thank you guys so much for 200+(almost 300) readers. Bruh I just realized I wrote all this without the bold text, wow.

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