My roommate (4)

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(Yes this is the chapter you have all been waiting for :D.)


Once we got to the school I have forgotten that I was in New York. The school looks like I was in the UK. Leah and I get out of the car, with our jaws dropped. The man got out of the car, gave us our suitcases, then drove off. Then out of nowhere Leah gets a text from a random number. "What is it", I say, being nosy. "It says I'm in room 121". Then I get a text. "Noooo, I'm in room 213", I say disappointed. "What the heck, I thought we got to pick what room we wanted to be in, Leah says annoyed. "Well here, here's my number, I say, writing my number in my notebook that I had in my duffel bag. "Thanks, I will text you once I get to my room". "Sounds good" Me and her walk inside to see many people in line to get their room card. We get in line and wait about 5 minutes on till it's our turn. The lady behind the desk asked what room number I was sent. I show the text, then she gives me a key card. "I will see at dinner", I say to Leah walking away. "For sure". While I'm walking up the stairs, everyone else is running up, like it's a race. After walking up two flights of stairs, I get on the floor I'm post to be on. My room wasn't too far in the hall. Once I get to my room, I swipe my card and walk inside a beautiful dorm. It was way bigger than I expected. I decided to take some pictures.

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(I'm sorry but why is a freaking ghost in the last picture and yes I know dorms at boarding school usually don't look like this

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(I'm sorry but why is a freaking ghost in the last picture and yes I know dorms at boarding school usually don't look like this.)

I mean I knew my parents are rich but I didn't know they are so rich they could send me to a boarding school like this. After looking around, I decided to take a shower. I grab some clothes from my bag, and my bathroom essentials. I set my clothes on the toilet seat and everything else under the bathroom sink. Inside the drawers were towels. I take one of the towels, put them on top of my clothes, then I turn the shower on. While singing to my favorite song, I hear something from the front of the door but I don't think too much about it. After my 20 minute shower, I dry off and put my clothes on. I open the door still brushing my hair, I scream shutting the door. On the left bed, there was who looks like a boy. I could hear footsteps getting close to the door. "Hey I'm sorry I scared you, um I'm your roommate". I carefully open the door. He wasn't just my roommate, it was Barron Trump!

(A/N: Sorry for the cliffhanger. Anyways I hope you liked this chapter and tonight I will try to write another chapter)

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