Jealous (7)

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(A/n: You know, I wonder how many people exited out of my story as soon as they saw that I don't support Trump. I, wonder.)

Warning: a little bit of strong language

Posted: 1/4/21

"Why we going so fast", Barron asked, as I drag him by the wrist, speeding down the stairs. "We still had ten more minutes." "Ya, TEN MINUTES!"  Once we get to the floor where all the classes are, I dash down to the bathroom, which's at the end hall, to put on my tie. "Will you wait for me?", I ask Barron, letting go of his wrist. I could tell I was holding on to his wrist too hard since it was bright red. "Of course I will." "K." I sprint into the bathroom. Once opening the door and looking in the mirror, I realize look like a train wreck. I was sweaty, my baby hair was everywhere, my ponytail was super lose, and there were two wet stains on my armpits. "God, what happened to me", I say to myself, tightening my hair. I turn the faucet on, then use the water to slick my hair back. "Girl what happened, looks like you just gave birth". It was Leah, Barron probably told her where I was. "I was in I rush." "For what?" "Well school starts at 8:00, so."  "Y/N, school doesn't start on till 8:30." "What?!" "You're saying I ran down the stairs while dragging Barron for NOTHING?!" "Y/N, it's ok, we can fix you up." Leah takes out a makeup bag from her backpack, then sets it on the countersink.

"Leah, how the hell do you put a tie on?" "Here let me see." I hand her my tie. I remember when I was five, my dad taught me how to put on a tie. Gosh, I wish I could go back to those days. Where my mom and my dad loved each other and my dad wouldn't treat my mom like his maid. "There you go" "thanks" "Now come on, we're going to be late."

Time flew fast and I was already headed to my last class, history. I never really liked history but I still pay attention. "Ms. Y/L/N, hello, why don't you sit next to Mr. Trump." I cringe, I forgot about his last name. I sit down and instantly feel Barron's lips right next to my ear.
"Look here's here" I look around the classroom. Oh you have to be kidding me. It was the same girl who gave me the stank eye yesterday. "Apparently her name is Maddie" "huh." "Alright, let's start class" I sigh getting my book and my notebook.

While the teacher was reading something in the book, I keep feeling like someone was staring at but every time I would look around the class to find someone looking at me but no one was.  That made difficult for me to focus on following along with the teacher. "Ok, that's page 102 and 103, now we're going to watch a video. I recommend taking notes."
"Um Ms. Lee, before we start, when have to study are we going can we study buddies?" Maddie was looking right at Barron as she spoke. "Uh, no you will studying by yourself but I guess if you want to you can study with your dorm mate." Maddie's smile turned into a frown and just gave me a dirty look since she knows I'm Barron's dorm mate but I just smiled at her and looked back at Ms. Lee.

RING! "Ok before you guys leave I'm going to give you a paper that has the expectations in my class. Also, make sure to read 104 to 108 too. "Dang it, I will right back guys, you guys can pack up but don't leave in till you get the paper. Immediately after Ms. Lee leaves the class starts packing up. "Bitch", someone whispers, passing me. I freeze, my notebook halfway in my backpack. I tilt my head up. "Who the hell called me a bitch", I yell looking around the classroom. Maddie was gone. Of course, she called me bitch but why because she's jealous my dorm mate is, Barron or what. "Ok, Ima hand out-, where's Maddie" "Oh she left calling me a bitch" "Watch your mouth but thank you for telling me that. I will be talking to her later." I didn't know if I should've snitched on her but I hoped it was my decision would end up well.

"Why did Maddie call you- uh, you know?", Barron asks as I was getting a water from the vending machine. I loved how innocent he seemed. "I don't know but she's probably jealous." "But why, because we're dorm mates?!" As Barron talk, I grabbed my water bottle and started sipping some. "I pretty sure she likes you" "oh god" Maddie was stomping her feet, walking towards me. "You, you snitched on me, didn't you?!" "I mean, I guess I did." "You know what, you're not worth my time, bye" She started walking more down the hall. I raised my eyebrows, "I-, was there any point of her doing that." Barron just shrugged his shoulders. "Well, we should probably be getting to our dorm", I spoke. "Right."

(Hey so, sorry this was a short chapter. Anyway, I noticed if my book was a movie they would be probably the same since there isn't too much detail. So I was wondering if I should add more detail or if that would be too much for a fanfic. Let me if I should and also what I should improve on. By the way I will be writing daily now.)

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