My weekend (5)

218 4 0

(A/N: None)

Wrote: 10/20/20

We stared into each other's eyes. It felt we were staring at each other's for hours, even it was only for about a minute. "Um, I'm y/n". "I'm Barron." "You're Trump's so-" "Yup", he walks to his bed, looking down at the floor. "I'm sorry, I say sitting next to him". "Eh, it's ok". He walks to his suitcase. "Well we probably get ready for dinner", he says quietly. I nod my head and go to my suitcase to find a sweater.
(Oh ya, you're wearing something like this)

(If you're not a fan of it, you can always imagine something different)

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(If you're not a fan of it, you can always imagine something different)

I find a nice light pink sweater. "Are you sure you are going to be warm in that", he questions me, putting his green jacket on. "Ya, I will be fine". I put on my docs and we both head out of our dorm.

As we are walking down the stairs he says, "If you get too cold, I could always lead you my jacket, I'm used to the cold anyway". I put my head down and feel my cheeks getting red. "Thanks, but I don't think I will need it". I smile at him. "Well just in case".

As we walk down the last two steps, Leah runs up to me. "Y/n, you didn't tell me you had a boyfriend". Leah looks Barron up and down. "Oh, no, this is my roommate, Barron". "Wait, do you have a boyfriend", Leah questions me. "Of course not". As I said, I could see Leah smiling at Barron. "You got chance, buddy", she says while walking backwards towards the cafeteria. Barron chuckles while looking at the floor. "Sorry about her". "It's fine", he says still chuckling. "Well um, I'm go catch up with her". "I'm coming", Barron says speed walking.

As we enter the cafeteria I notice there were only freshmen. I mean I wasn't complaining. Ever since 1st, I was always scared of the grade above me, for some reason. Me and Barron wait in line to get our food. "Could everyone please look at me and listen", a lady who looks like the principal, yells. She had brown hair, that was pulled up in a bun, a green dress on, and black heels on. "Since it is the weekend. I'm allowing you guys to go outside. You be able to go by city too but you must be with a partner. Please also wear your jacket and be safe".

Once everyone was done eating dinner Leah runs to my table where me and Barron were sitting. "Guess what, I asked this cute boy if he would be my partner and he said yes". Then she whispered in my ear. "I dare you to ask Barron". I look at Barron where he was talking to the lunch lady. "I don't know". "Well try to ask him" "ok", I say taking a deep breath. As she walks away, Barron comes over to our table. "Ready?, he asks while staring into my eyes. "Yup" We walk out the doors that  go out of the school. "Ok maybe I should have worn something warmer. It was snowing. "Here, have my jacket". "Thank you". Once as he put his jacket on me, I could see a girl give me the stink eye. Were you guys planning to go to the city tonight, one of the teachers asks. I look at Barron. "Sure", he replies. Right by the school were many black cars lined up. Barron and I walk to the middle one. Walking to the car, something hard but also cold hits my head. Things were going black.

A/N: So um, sorry I haven't posted in like forever but hey I'm back. Also thank you guys so much for 100 readers 🎉.)

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