The flight (3)

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(A/N: none)


"You ok", my mom asks me, getting my suitcase out of the trunk. "Yup, well at least I think so". I grab my duffel bag and mom rolls my suitcase by me. "Thanks", I say. My mom nods and we walk inside the airport. (So, I haven't to an airport in like 4 years but I will write as much as I can remember when I went to an airport. Oh goodness, ya I barely remember anything. We just going to skip where you are in the where you are waiting for the plane.) It's 8:30 and I'm just listening to some music so I don't faint. While I listen to some music, I'm also looking at a magazine. "Hey, you going to White eagle school too? I nod my head. "Well my name is, Leah. She sits next to me, looking at my magazine. "Hey it's, Jennifer Aniston, she looks amazing for being 51", she says. At this point, I take my earbuds out so I can hear better. Me and her were probably laughing for about 15 minutes straight over weird things that were in my magazine but then It was time to get on the plane. We give the lady our tickets and walk on the plane. "Where do you sit," Leah asks. " g13". "Awww, I sit: D6, she says sitting down. "Hey but maybe we will be roommates", I say, trying to lighten the mood. "Ya", Leah says lifting her head and smiling. I smile back then walk further down. G11,G12,G13!! Yes, I got the window seat! I put my duffel bag in the storage above then sit down hoping no one was going sit in the other two sits next to me. After 2 minutes of everyone getting on the plane, there was still no one in the two seats next to me. Maybe going on a plane by myself wasn't going to as bad as I thought. I grab my duffel bag, put on some comfy shoes, then change into some sweatpants in the bathroom. The two and half hour flight wasn't bad. Well except when I was trying to go to the bathroom and the plane started to shake. The plane landed safely. Once I got off, I could see Leah already waiting for me. Me and her talk while we walk to the car outside waiting for us. There was a black suburban. Once the man in the car saw us, a man in a blue suit and black sunglasses gets out of the car. "Do you want me to get those for you?" he says, looking at our suitcases. "Sure", Leah and I say at the same time. As he puts our suitcases in the truck we get in the car. The man looked so serious. Me and Leah were trying so hard to laugh but once he got in the car, we were both silent, for the 1 one hour drive.

(A/N: For some, I had a lot of fun writing this chapter.)

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