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this one is for @superflower194 !! hope u like it!!

                       •how they view camp•

david: it's his LIFE. he loves working there and making the kids happy, he'd do anything for them <3  

gwen: being a camp counselor was definitely not her first choice, but she's learned to like her job. david makes it a lot more bearable though, and she can appreciate the campers sometimes.

quartermaster:  campbell found him in russia hiding in a garbage can, and hired him to work at his camp because the quartermaster didn't want money. he just wanted barbie doll limbs.

max: he acts like he hates camp, but throughout the summer he sort of likes it. he likes his friends, and david becomes more tolerable. what he hates is that it's where parents send their kids when they don't want to deal with them.

nikki: she hated her time at the flower scouts, so being able to be herself at camp campbell is amazing to her. she loves it there, her friends, the counselors, the NATURE.

neil: he finds the camp tolerable, but he definitely likes his friends there. at school, he got bullied for being nerdy, but at camp he's able to conduct whatever science experiment he wants.

space kid: he LOVES IT. it's not as great as space, but is anything as great as space?? he thinks everyone there is fun and definitely loves his time "going to the moon"

ered: it's cool.

nurf: he likes that he's not seen as a "problem child" but as a camper. he also likes that he can kind of do whatever, which has helped him to grow and flourish as a person

harrison: he loves that he can do magic and some people actually watch him/think it's cool. at home he doesn't have many friends, or people who aren't scared of him, so camp is defiantly something he likes.

nerris: there may be some things she doesnt like at camp (cough cough HARRISON cough) but she definitely likes it. she loves her castle and that she has a rival. she also love going on adventures with nikki and dolph, it's basically like dnd campaign to her.

preston: he has an AUDIENCE! though the stage conditions may not be the best, he makes do and has pulled off many amazing performances! including wacky camp man!, romeo and juliet resurrected!, hamilton with jazz!! and many more! oh and you know, his friends there are cool too

dolph: his dad doesn't let him explore art much at home, so camp is a great outlet for him. he doesn't understand why his dad doesn't like it, but dolph loves that david is so supportive of it!

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