oneshot!!! have some dadvid!!

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David had finally adopted Max! Paper after paper to sign, having to make sure his home was safe, talking to child workers, etc. All the hard work he put in, finally paid off. In front of him now was a small boy, in a blue hoodie. And he couldn't be happier.

David looked down at him and smiled. He was a dad now, and he was going to be the best dad he could be! He knew Max could be, well difficult at times, but he was willing to put in the effort. No matter what, he knew he was going to make sure Max was finally happy.

•                                                                                  •
•                        time skip a week.                           •
•                                                                                  •
Max had gotten his room set up and he thought it actually looked pretty good. David wouldn't let him put up a dart board but it's fine. (He'll just sneak one in later). He went downstairs to the kitchen where David was making dinner and humming the camp campbell theme song.

"oh my god David! it's been like a month since camp why are you still singing that song?" max yelled.
"Well its a good song!" David said while chuckling.
Max rolled his eyes and sat down in the living room, he grabbed the remote and turned the tv to some horror movie.
"Maaax, horror movies aren't very child appropriate!" david say making his way to the living room.
"neither is the quartermaster but he was a round a bunch of kids.  He's already scarred me so i think a horror movie will be fine" max retaliated.
David just sighed and smiled, and went back to making dinner.

                            •later that night•

Max sat in bed, clutching mr honeynuts tightly, scared of the small sounds he heard. No he wasn't scared, he's max! he doesn't get scared. (or at least thats what he's telling himself)
'ok so maybe that horror movie wasn't the best idea' he thought. A branch scraped on his window and he jumped. ok yea. bad idea.

he carefully made his was to david's room and tapped on the door. David opened and leaned down. "Hey buddy, what's wrong?" he groggily said.
Max looked down and shrugged his shoulders, embarrassed to say a dumb horror movie scared him. David got the hint and grabbed his tiny hand and led him to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and handed the confused child some ice cream.
"listen, you don't have to act all tough here. So if you're scared, then tell me. i won't think any less of you, i promise" he said with a soft smile.
Max looked down at his ice cream, and then to David. David saw some tears in his eyes, and gave him a small hug. He was pretty surprised when Max hugged back.

"thanks dad".
"no problem son"  

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