one shot time!!!!

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ok so in this one shot they're in high school btw!!

nikki pov:

i walked up to my locker with Max and Neil behind me. We were talking about our next class and how Max is failing math.

"ok but if you give me the answers, i wouldn't be failing" Max said.
"And if you studied, you wouldn't be failing" Neil deadpanned. Max rolled his eyes. he's so cute when he does that, i thought.

I opened my locker and caught a strong whiff of roses. oh no....

"Heyyyy Max,,,, and others" a sickly sweet voice said.

We all groaned. "come on man i was having a good day" i muttered to the boys. they snickered.

Sasha stood next to Max, her pink hair so shiny from hairspray i thought i'd be blinded. She had a devious look in her eyes.

"So, I heard a rumor, and just thought it'd be so kind of me to let you know. I mean, if it's true then there'd some, tension" she hissed out glaring at me. The rest of us looked confused.

She twirled her hair around her finger and spoke, " i heard a rumor, that someone has a crush on Max."

"...ok? i mean lady, have you seen me? not hard to believe" Max jokes, not really caring about what Sasha said. I was honestly thankful he didn't take her seriously, i'm not sure what she's planning. And from my time in the flower scouts it could be bad.

"Ok so is there a reason you told us or are you just going to stand there, I have places to be." Neil said, annoyed at her.

She huffed, "yes. There is. I'm just looking out for my friend!" she leaned into Max who pushed her away. "Anyways, i just want you to know, Nikki here has a crush on you" she looked at me with an evil smirk.

Max looked at her, then at me, confused.

"I mean, i hope so or this is gonna be awkward..." he said, laughing.

"If you're just going to be telling us the obvious then there was no reason to waste our time." Neil said to Sasha.

I started laughing, i couldn't help it.

"W-what?? What's so funny? i said NIKKI LIKES YOU!! Why aren't you repulsed?" she screeched.

We just laughed harder.

"dude! we've been dating for like 5 months! how did you not know? i thought you knew all the schools drama!" Max said as he wrapped an arm around me.

"what!" she stomped her foot. Luckily for us the bell rang, and we booked it out of there.
We sat down in our seats, still snickering about what just happened.
I grabbed Max's hand and held it, and he smiled back at me, it was a small smile but there's no way you couldn't notice when this dark storm cloud smiles.

Neil rolled his eyes playfully at us, and we started our worksheets.

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