Chapter 1-New Reality

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(Y/N)'s POV

It's been two weeks since UnaVaatu and I've been adjusting to this whole spiritual feeling with Tula. It's weird they appear in my head here and there but not as much as when I was fighting Vaatu with Korra. Speaking of spirits there has been weird progress since we got back from the city, vines have grown everywhere and spirits now claim the areas, it's good because the purpose was for spirits and humans to live together but in peace hasn't been working out so well. People want the vines to go so they can claim their homes back. I finally had the money to get an apartment but the vines in the place I wanted weren't helping me either. I was traveling with Jinora, Tenzin and Korra to get a feel for how serious these vines really are. Korra and I have been so busy that date she promised hasn't really happened yet but as long as we love each other it's fine. Right? I'm probably just doubting myself but hey I'm sure I'll get over it soon. My nightmares are coming back again but this time they're about my father, I haven't told Korra yet or Tenzin for that matter. Zaheer is the worst of the worst, I don't know how to say anything and I surely don't want Korra to look at me any differently because of who he is. My biggest fear is becoming like him. Korra tried firebending the vines but they just grew back. "Ugh! I don't get it. I can vanquish Vaatu, but not a bunch of spirit vines?" Korra shouts frustrated. "I'm sure you'll find a way, Korra. You gotta have patience." I say walking after her. "If only the press could have patience."Korra remarks. "Hey, you've been stressed ever since Vaatu's been vanquished. How about we fly together to the press, ok? I'm sure some wind in your hair will calm you a little." I say holding her cheek with my right hand and holding my staff with my left. She touched the hand on her cheek and took a deep breath. "Yeah, that sounds good." She says reassuring herself. "Why do you want to get rid of them? You changed the world. We're connected with the spirits again. The wilds are their home." Jinora says. "I don't think the people who used to live here are as excited about it as you are." She says moving the vines to reveal the more cleared but still viney city. "Ok we're gonna go. Tenzin I'll talk to you about airbending training at dinner." I say and run off hoping Korra will catch up when I enter the air. "This should be fun." Korra says and joins me.

Korra's POV

Me and (Y/N) land and first things first we get asked a bunch of questions regarding Tula and the vines around the city. I try to explain myself to them but like the hungry dogs they are, they want to provoke me just like President Raiko. "The avatar and her partner here has put us all in a very difficult position, but my administration-" He starts but I interrupt. "Oh I'm sorry, did we put you in a difficult position by fighting the giant force of pure evil that was going to destroy the whole world? Maybe your administration could've handled that." I say and grab his chin to taunt him but Lin pushed us apart. Asami comes up to us and comforts the both of us. " I should be able to fix this, I'm the avatar." I say and (Y/N) comes and pulls the three of us together. "And I'm the balance between dark and light, sin and purity. Seriously, Korra forget about the press for a few minutes and take in a breath of fresh air." She says. "You are oddly cheery today?" Asami questions. "I just want to enjoy something before something spontaneously goes wrong. Come on maybe get to know Liane before you become too busy Asami." She says and I raise my eyebrow. "Who's Liane?" I ask and Asami avoids my eye contact. "My engineer partner at Future Industries, auburn hair, grey eyes, she's as smart as Asami, and Asami was a blushing mess when they first greeted each other." She says. "You weren't supposed to say anything." Asami said blushing like crazy and chased after (Y/N), the girl I really wanted to use all my time on. The date I promised hasn't been planned because of the vines and stress and everything in the past two weeks. Honestly she's right, maybe I should take it all in before there isn't anything left.

(Y/N)'s POV

As much as I would love to continue listening to the impossibility of Bumi airbending I rather just sleep, but I need food to, you know, survive so that's why I'm at the dinner table. Staying at the air temple is nice and all but I just want my own place without noisy kids running around. A girl can't even sulk around in peace without some prepubescent crisis. "Look alive Uncle Bumi." Meelo said and tossed a plate at him and he airbended it, I just kept eating my rice. Everyone's mouths were wide open in shock and Korra just looked at me. "What? I didn't do it. Also if I was able to gain airbending I'm not surprised if there are more people out there." I say and continue to eat.

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