Chapter 3: A Game of Chess

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(Y/N)'s POV

I was simply reading a book and tirelessly watching Bumi and Kai practice their airbending. Since that dream about my father I haven't been able to get that much sleep. I haven't even spoken to Korra about it. After Kai knocks Bumi down, Jinora addresses me. "You should join us, you're still not a master yet." She says. I walk past her and say, "I have been learning, by observing." Asami then chimes in with, "Not when you're half asleep. You should tell Korra you know. It's clear your nightmares are getting worse" She suggested and I sigh. "I know I'm just waiting for the right time. How about this you admit you have a crush on Liane and I'll tell Korra today." I tell her and her face grows red within seconds. "I do not." She says and I stare at her for a moment and she sighs in defeat. "Fine, I do. Now go talk to Korra." She subtly points and I walk off towards my beloved girlfriend. I'm still getting used to that. Usually when serious stuff like this happens it never goes my way. I heard Korra asking Tenzin about the Earth Queen and I had to chime in. "I heard she's a nightmare. Very demanding and will do what it takes to get what she wants." I say coming next to Korra. Bolin then runs and Mako walks right behind him. I figured his excitement was from finally seeing the place his father grew up in. I would be excited too, if my father wasn't trying to kill my girlfriend. The view was already great but the moment was quickly ruined by the smell of the lower ring of Ba Sing Se. I held my nose in disgust but the smell cleared once we hit the middle ring. By the time we landed in the upper ring we were greeted by the Grand Secretariat. Later he is leading us to our quarters and Korra goes to address the Earth Queen. "Good luck, babe" I say and kiss her cheek as she heads off, I see the blush on her cheeks. I smirk and walk to our quarters.

Later at the quarters everyone notices Kai is gone, even I didn't see him slip away but to be honest he's probably going to try and steal some riches. Guess old habits die hard, but I'll give the kid a chance since he grew up on the streets. Mako thinks we shouldn't trust Kai and he doesn't care so in irritation I grab his ear aggressively. "You have no place to talk when we both used to survive on the streets taking what we could get, so hush up and help find the kid." I say. "Ow, Ow, OW! Alright let me go!" He begs and I release him. Mako says he and Bolin will go look for him and they depart for their search. Korra then comes back to ask Asami, Liane, and me to help acquire the Earth Queens taxes. Taxes? Really? She's that needy and greedy she wants money instead of simply pointing us in the direction of airbender reports. Even without meeting her something about her seems suspicious. "Are you sure you and Asami will be fine while we stay in here?" I ask her. "Yes I promise, plus there are royal guards waiting at the vault. I doubt anything will happen, besides I think Her Majesty just likes ordering me around."She says and I chuckle. "It's a simple delivery and we'll be one step closer to rebuilding the air nation. And it's all because of you." I go to try and turn in but Korra grabs my hand. "Are you ok? You haven't been in bed when I wake up since we've gone on this journey. Is something wrong?" She asks. I sigh and decide to confess. "I've been having trouble sleeping since that nightmare of my dad, I don't wanna say who he is because he's a horrible person and I can't stand for you to look at me differently." I ramble on but Korra stops it all with a passionate kiss. "There is nothing in this world that will keep me from loving you, I don't care who your father is and I could never see you differently. I love you and it doesn't matter if he's the worst person ever. I only see you and not your father. You don't have to tell me who he is but I will be here for you to open up when you're ready." She says and I chuckle. "I'm scared that won't be true when you find out." I mumble. "It will be, we all have doubts we can't help. But trust me when I say nothing's gonna stop me from being with you for as long as possible. Not even your evil father." She professes to me. I take a deep breath and nod my head and she kisses my cheek and walks off. I really hope that dream wasn't true cause if it is I don't know how I'd be able to handle it. As long as possible, huh? Guess that means for some reason she sees me in her future.

Later we get to the vault and Asami and Korra go out to retrieve the money but a flare goes off and I see a truck from the ship. Crap. "Liane, grab those." I tell her pointing at my old shock sticks and she looks at me like I'm crazy. "(Y/N) I may know self defense like Asami but I'm not fighting a bunch of bandits." She says and then I look at her crazy. "Asami and Korra are on their own and sure they can handle themselves but I know you care about Asami almost as much as I care for Korra now get up and be the heroine." I tell her and she joins me. We step outside and I see the barbarians surrounding them. I hear the guy in charge threaten them and that's when I decide to start the party. I airbend the man away and Korra earth bends the ground to make them scatter. "Looks like we just joined the party." I say and run after a motorcycle taking a bag of gold. I airbend it and hop on the motorcycle to drive around and pick off any runners. I circle around Korra and see Asami and Liane fighting side by side. Even though it is a horrible situation I'd still like to say I'm an excellent wingwoman. Eventually they run off and scream at us that the gold belongs to the people. And I can't deny but I feel like he's right. Even later we finally get back to Ba Sing Se and this time I go with Korra to see the Queen. Korra asks to meet some of the new airbenders but she says there's no airbenders in the city and even I know that's just a flat out lie. Korra promises we'll find the airbenders and we exit the palace as soon as we can. "Ugh I can't believe her. She has to be lying, what if they're in trouble." Korra says worrying and I grab her face to calm her down. "We'll start our search tomorrow but we both need rest. Come on." I say and pull her and she groans. "I hate it when you're right." And I just kiss her to shut her up. "You love it." I say and we head back to our quarters. The Earth Queen won't know what hit her. I'm about to play her like a game of chess.

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