Chapter 7: Reputation

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(Y/N)'s POV

After traveling all night Naga sniffed out the Red Lotus' trail. The other's go into the bar while I park the car. I walk in to see the customers of the bar stare at my girlfriend and friends and see the wanted posters. Crap. I draw my sword and step to the front next to Korra. "Calm down boys, wouldn't wanna anger the wrong girl." I say stare back at them, their eyes widen and they stand down for now. We walk out but not without me and Korra doing a double take of everyone. As we continue to track down Aiwei we find his jeep and Korra forgot treats but luckily I had so few spare in my bag. Mako and Bolin go to investigate and I go with them, my old reputation before the whole UnaVaatu thing still stands.

Korra's POV

While waiting with Asami we talk. "I'm just frustrated. What does Zaheer want with me? What does he want with (Y/N)? What's his plan?" I ask out into the world. Asami then finds a note in Aiwei's jeep about a meeting. And we start looking on a map. As we search the more we talk about more serious topics. "So you and Liane, how's that going?" I ask her. "It's still early but she's really great. I wish she could've stayed but it got too dangerous for her. How about you and (Y/N)?" She responds. "It's great if you subtract the part where her father tried to kidnap the both of us. I just feel like we need a break, within the span of a year so much has happened to the both of us, I'm kinda scared that this whole Zaheer thing could be her breaking point, ya know?" I explain to her. I'm kinda glad that after the Mako situation we've grown closer as friends. Honestly I don't think (Y/N) would've let the awkward tension remain. Solving problems is kind of her thing.

(Y/N)'s POV

As we walk around and ask some questions some people recognize Bolin and we book it back to Korra and Asami. They tell us about some place called Xai Bau's Grove which sounds familiar but I can't put my finger on it. We book a room across from Aiwei which we discovered earlier and stakeout for hours. While I practice my meditating, Mako and Korra man the window and Bolin and Asami are playing Pai Sho. Korra, finally growing impatient, goes to Aiwei's room and he's meditating. Korra then realizes that Xai Bau's Grove is in the spirit world and not the physical world Korra says she's going in but I had to go with her too. I wanted answers. I want to know my father's plans with her and me. We enter the spirit world and hear Zaheer and Aiwei's conversation about loose ends and as Korra called out for him Zaheer had disappeared and reappeared telling us Aiwei was in the fog of lost souls which leaves the three of us to talk. Korra threatens him while he moves but he just sits and I sit on a nearby rock waiting to attack if anything goes wrong. "I'll answer whatever questions you have. You deserve that much. The both of you do." He says looking towards me and I just scoff. Korra begins her questions and asks who him and his group are. "We are part of a secret society dedicated to restoring freedom to the world." He says and I say something "The Red Lotus." I whisper. "So you've heard of us." He asks in a smug tone. "I have. Your symbol haunts my dreams and fuels my nightmares." I tell him seriously. "That alone should tell you, that you can't escape your truth no matter how hard you try." He tells me and I just get angry. He explains how the White Lotus lost their way and one man broke away and began his own society. Then when Korra asked the truth behind her first kidnapping Zaheer mentioned Unalaq. Now it makes sense but it doesn't, his tone although neutral seems slightly unsteady, he could be stalling but why?

He continued to explain how taking Korra's purpose if taken by the Red Lotus were to open the portals and show her a better path for the world. "Then someone got in the way of that." He said, looking at me. "Soon after converging around the Northern Tribe I had met both Phi Li and (Y/N)'s mother Mirrin. Mirrin and I fooled around and had plenty of fun but overall she distracted me from my duties to the Red Lotus and from my true feelings towards Phi Li so I abandoned her later when planning on how to take Korra I had found out she was with child and grew an inexplicable amount of guilt. I had even considered raising my child in the Red Lotus but something went wrong. Eventually the night our plan was supposed to happen successfully Phi Li's jealousy grew large enough to end up killing Mirrin in cold blood. I had thought my child was gone but as commotion grew I heard (Y/N)'s cries in the other room after Phi Li had left. I left you to be raised by whoever would take you so she would never have to die by Phi Li's hands as my bastard child." He finished and I snapped. "Was that all I was to you? Just your bastard who you abandoned without a doubt in your twisted mind?!" I yell at him but Korra holds me back from charging at him. "Of course not. I wanted your potential to reach the stars, to be greater than me and complete the mission of the Red Lotus. I see that now. At points during my imprisonment I had never paid a fraction in my mind to you but I had a long time to reflect and I know that you are the future now." He said and I just stood there to think for a second. "Well I don't believe you." I tell and disappear and wake up from my meditation. "(Y/N) we gotta go. The Red Lotus found us." Mako told me as I gained my strength back. I nod and ride on Naga with Korra's unconscious body and Asami while Mako and Bolin stay back to fight them.

Zaheer's POV

After a delightful talk with my daughter and the Avatar my friends came back with the two boys that were alongside her. The Earth Queen took them before I could. Don't worry (Y/N) you'll understand your role in all of this soon. 

(A/N): I'm gonna try to upload every 2 weeks because honestly begin a senior in high school is a pain. But hope you enjoy the chapter. Til next time :)

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