Chapter 2: Difference

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Korra's Pov

I woke up with (Y/N) in my arms. She looks so peaceful. In the last few weeks she's been having nightmares about someone coming after her, last night when she screamed scared the crap out of me. I've never seen fear on (Y/N) since Amon, I don't know what has her so scared but I'll let her tell me on her own. Other than that I've been wanting to make things official with (Y/N) I mean it's only right I just want to call her mine. "What are you thinking about?" She asks in a raspy voice. If that's what her morning voice sounds like I want to wake up with her every morning. "Just stuff." I simply say. "Korra, just ask me already? I'm gonna say yes." She says looking at me with an eyebrow raised. "Ugh fine. (Y/N) will you be my girlfriend?" I ask giving in. Her eyes light up in happiness and I'm glad I'm the cause of it. "Of course I will. Now come on we have airbenders to look for." She says getting up and stretching to get ready for the day, her hair messy and her (S/C) skin shining in the sunlight coming from the window. "See something you like or are you gonna get ready?" She says looking over her shoulder as I stare at her beauty. I chuckle and get up to hug her and whisper in her ear, "I love you." I feel her grip on me tighten and she says back, "I love you too. I'll see you outside." She then leaves to get dressed out of her sweats and tank top.

I get dressed and meet everyone outside to see a giant airship flying above. " Did someone order a fully-equipped Future Industries Airship?" Asami asks. "It's perfect. Thanks, Asami." "No problem, I figured if we're going to Ba Sing Se to look for Airbenders, we should do it style. But you should be thanking your girlfriend and Liane; they did help design it." She says and (Y/N) comes up with a friend who I assume is Liane. "Thank me and Liane for what now?" She asks. "The airship, it's amazing." I say. "Aw thanks honestly I forgot, I've been caught up in so much work lately." She says chuckling. I had just taken note of Asami calling (Y/N) my girlfriend and I've never felt happier. "Liane! I didn't know you'd be here, are you um c-coming with us?" Asami stutters nervously at Liane's presence. "Oh yeah, (Y/N) invited me to see the airship in action plus most of our work was done so I figured why not come along." She says, also slightly nervous. Meelo and Ikki go explore the Airship and I see Mako coming with the locations we'd be stopping at. He was speaking all formal and stuff and I didn't get it, I mean I am his ex but I figured he'd understand the situation. I asked for him to come but he turned me down. Bolin chases after Mako and weirdly (Y/N) goes too.

(Y/N)'s POV

I walk after Bolin to hear him and his brother talking. "I feel like I've been drifting apart from everyone." Mako says and I just scoff. "Mako I'm gonna be honest. You've done that all on your own, it was your choice to make the situation awkward between Korra and Asami, and me I'm over it I'm content with how things have gone and no one got seriously emotionally hurt because of your actions. So man up and face your problems to help us rebuild the air nation." I say and walk off. I can still hear the Bolin guilt tripping Mako about their dad's home and Mako finally agrees. The airship is soon up and running and we're in the sky. Mako is going over the villages we're gonna check for airbenders. It's all because of Korra that we're even doing this.

By sunset we're at the first village but for some reason I had this weird feeling in my stomach. Ever since that vision about Zaheer I've feared for the worse, I should tell Tenzin about it but I don't know if it's the right move. I should tell Korra but I don't want her to look at me differently. The night had gone by surprisingly fast given the fact the airbender in the village declined the offer to come with us. And now after visiting 6 villages we had zero airbender's and a sad Bolin which is never a good sign. Night after night I've been contemplating with myself about saying something about my father, if this is real and Zaheer is coming for Korra we should be ready. I was walking around the airship with Liane when Korra, Mako, and Bolin came back with no one. Turns out the tough love Korra was talking about was way more tough than intended. We were soon at the table thinking about just heading straight to Ba Sing Se until Bolin and Bumi suggested a good idea. "I'll join Tenzin in the performance if you guys want." I offer and we all agree.

Soon the sun was up and this air street show was underway. "Come on, Come all and witness The Amazing Airbenders! An airbending show that will leave you breathless with wind! First up, the tattooed master himself. You know him as the son of Avatar Aang, he shaves every hair on his head. Every single day. It's the one, the only guy with an arrow pointing to his nose, Tenzin!" Bolin announces. Tenzin takes his robes off and then creates a moving air circle and moves around the crowd. Next up, our first new airbender and spiritual vessel. The balance between light and dark herself folks, she helped the Avatar Korra pull us out of 10,000 years of darkness, (Y/N)!!" Bolin announces and I launch myself up into the air and create a spiral of air to catch me. I then left the spiral disappear and I landed gracefully next to Tenzin. I could feel Korra's eyes on me given the fact all I had on my upper body was a half cut sleeveless shirt. The show continues and I chuckle with Asami and Liane as Korra keeps Mako in the air and he yells down for help. Bumi and Jinora do their parts and Bolin ends the show asking about any airbenders in the area. Soon after a kid came up to us saying and showing us he's an airbender. He seemed rather quick to hit the road which seemed suspicious but maybe he's in a bad home right now. He explained his situation to us and what happened to his parents I understood but it didn't feel like the truth. We walk into the airship with Kai in hopes to start training him. But some guys started to attack the airship. Korra goes out to fight them but shortly after talking we find out Kai was adopted and ran off with his family's life savings. But with some convincing of Tenzin we kept Kai and now have our first official airbending recruit. 

A/N: A shorter chapter because I'm trying to go by episode with this I'm hoping to upload again later this week but who knows. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

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